
This isn’t just another one of those autism books for parents. Rather, this book is a groundbreaking guide that will give both parents and doctors treating autism tools and a pathway to help your child.

There was something wrong with Ryan. His parents knew it before the psychiatrist predicted he would end up in an institution. Ryan was diagnosed as autistic at age four. He wouldn’t look people in the eye, had troubles with socialization, difficulties with language and more like most kids that range from mild, to severe autism, or even asperbergers. Like all parents who receive this diagnosis, that day changed everything as your ticket is punched to autism island, population one or two. There was no understanding your child with autism . . . no manual for parenting autism . . . recovery from autism . . . there was no cure . . . there was no hope. Or was there?

I Know You’re in There tells the true story of how, through diet, applied behavior analysis (ABA), consistent and rigorous medical treatment, and more, Ryan’s family took the jump and was able work on healing the symptoms known as autism and ultimately to overcome autism. It took a lot of trial and error, but today Ryan isn’t just high functioning on the autism spectrum disorder, but rather uniquely human and is an aerospace engineer, has friends, relationships, and lives a happy “typical” life. His recovery wasn’t miraculous, but instead the result of getting proper medical care, and his parents never taking “no” for an answer.

This book provides an early start for your child with autism. Marcia sincerely provides real world examples and actionable steps to take to get your child the treatment and care that could help them beat autism. If your child has been diagnosed with autism, or the warning signs are there, which are also covered here, I Know You’re in There is an indispensable resource in your fight against autism spectrum disorder.


"Parents need to read I Know You’re In There. This motivating and encouraging story proves that optimal outcomes are possible for children with autism when families look positively to the future by embracing cutting-edge medical treatment combined with standard-of-care rehabilitation.”
Richard Frye, PhD, MD, Chief of The Division of Neurodevelopmental Disorders, Phoenix Children's Hospital neurologist and autism expert

I Know You’re in There is an inspiring true story of one mother’s fight to help her son overcome autism. Ryan’s recovery involved a combination of approaches, including biomedical therapies, behavioral interventions, as well as love and determination. It is a very personal story about the challenges their family faced, and how they overcame them. It shows what can happen for some children, and we hope for many more as we learn more about effective treatments for autism.”
James B. Adams, PhD, Autism/Asperger’s Research Program Arizona State University

“Marcia Hinds provides a detailed case history of how her child responded to various treatment interventions, many of which are not yet considered evidenced-bases by the scientific community. I truly hope this book will inspire researchers worldwide to study these interventions. Once validated, these treatments will likely become accepted by the autism and medical communities and covered by health insurance companies." 
Steve Edelson, PhD, Executive Director, Autism Research Institute

“Ryan’s recovery was not miraculous. It was the result of having his medical illness treated. His family persisted in looking for answers until they found a doctor who would do just that. Maybe that was the miracle.”
Bruce L. Russell, MD

“This book is a MUST read for any family struggling with autism. As an immunologist, my intuition said my son’s dysfunctional immune system was at the core of his illness. Marcia’s experience correcting Ryan’s immune system and recovering the whole child is shared openly and honestly in this book. The Hinds family could have taken the easy path, walked away from Autism and moved on with their life. Instead of letting others figure it out for themselves, Ryan’s story will inspire and inform crucial medical and educational decisions. This unique book offers the hope and tenacity parents need to find the answers for their children in the midst of a journey that is turbulent and not linear. Hope is contagious. Now that we know what is possible, we must never give up on recovery.”
Melinda Borrello Sharma, PhD, director of Autism Spectrum GPS, LLC

I Know You’re in There shows that autism is not a hardwired impairment stamped into the brain by the child’s genes and destined to remain fixed forever, as we’re often told. Instead, it is the TOTAL LOAD of challenges to a child’s whole system that overloads the brain and causes
the behaviors associated with autism. Even a few treatments that reduce the load and increase supports can make a huge difference. Ryan’s recovery is a testimony to this approach.”
Martha Herbert, MD, Harvard neurologist, researcher, and author of The Autism Revolution
I Know You’re in There should be given to every family when they receive an autism diagnosis. This book will help parents understand the importance of digging deep to identify possible underlying immune dysfunction rather than just accepting therapy alone as the only option for improving development. More importantly Ryan’s story should serve as a source of encouragement to families struggling to manage daily life as they navigate the challenges of this complex disease process. The title is perfect. If you know your child is in there, use this book to inspire you in the hardest of times to never, ever give up hope that you can find a path to recovery.”
Victoria L. Falcone, DO, Falcone Center for Functional and Integrative Medicine
“After reading Ryan’s story, parents will realize there is hope and recovery is possible. This book shows the medical treatment is different and individual for every child. I Know You’re in There helps the reader understand that medicine alone is not enough. We must use a child’s interests and strengths to help them overcome autism.”
Sidney McDonald Baker, MD, founder of
“There is an urgent need for the worldwide autism paradigm to change: children with the diagnostic label of autism are medically ill and need help. With proper medical intervention, they can recover or significantly improve in health and function. Every child deserves that chance. Marcia Hinds’s book, I Know You’re in There, encourages parents, therapists, and others to give these precious children this opportunity. Marcia wants all children to have what her recovered son now has; she can’t leave the other kids behind.”
Ed and Teri Arranga, president and executive director, AutismOne

“We live in a world where psychiatric diagnoses, like autism, are treated differently than any other medical condition. Once a psychiatric diagnosis is made, there is no consideration of the biochemistry involved in a diagnosis or that changing the biochemistry can change outcomes. Marcia Hind’s book, I Know You’re in There, serves as a reminder that autism is a neurologic condition with causes and solutions. It shows parents and physicians that when a child gets proper medical intervention recovery becomes possible. I have witnessed first-hand my autism patients regain their health. Ryan’s story is a beacon of hope for all families with children on the spectrum.”
James Neuenschwander, MD, director of the Bio Energy Medical Center

“Ryan’s story of diagnosis and recovery illustrates that there is a medical basis for most, if not all, cases of autism. Today, powerful technologies are available which can help doctors make a more accurate and timely diagnosis of this medical basis. If there is one message in this book it is Never give up trying!”
Rosario Trifiletti, MD, PhD, pediatric neurologist, PANDAS/PANS Institute

“A compelling story of a courageous mom who helped her son overcome the challenges faced by Autism. She inspires all parents to never give up and how important it is to not overlook the biomedical component. A must read for ALL parents!”
Alisa Wolf, Med-SPED, executive director/founder, Actors for Autism

I Know You’re in There presents a wonderful example for families dealing with autism. With knowledge, flexibility, patience and creativeness on the part of both parents and health care providers, it becomes possible to address the root medical causes of autism. Ryan’s story provides hope. With perseverance and proper treatment, children with autism can improve. Some who might have unnecessarily drifted through life with limited abilities and untapped potential can even achieve ‘normalcy’.”
Morton M. Teich, MD, Pediatric Allergy and Immunology, former president of the American Academy of Environmental Medicine

“Too many parents of children diagnosed with autism are told that recovery is not possible. In I Know You’re in There, Marcia Hinds courageously retells the story of her son’s journey out of autism and provides hope and inspiration for the millions of families affected by the tidal wave of chronic childhood illnesses sweeping through our world. While everyone’s route to recovery will be different, Ryan’s story reinforces what we know to be true: Children can get better!”
Beth Lambert, author of A Compromised Generation, executive producer of the Canary Kids Project, executive director, Epidemic Answers

“Families must realize that successful individuals with autism are no longer a ‘fluke.’ It takes educating yourself, tough decisions, and perseverance. I Know You’re in There offers real life solutions to families. Ryan triumphed because his family educated themselves and combined multiple approaches for his success. Exciting!”
Ann Millan, author of Autism—Believe in the Future

I Know You’re in There is a compelling read that helps parents realize they are not alone while facing the challenges, along the autism road so many of us travel. In this inspiring story told so well by Marcia, we all share a renewed hope for the future of our children.”
Karen Simmons, founder and CEO of Autism Today, co-author of Chicken Soup for the Soul, Children with Special Needs

“Ryan’s success demonstrates the effectiveness of the UCLA (Lovaas) Model of Applied Behavior Analysis. ABA was in its infancy when Ryan’s program began twenty years ago. Now, even more empirical research and data are in and show that what happened for Ryan is possible for others with autism. I hope that Ryan’s success story, as described in I Know You’re in There, will inspire others to take this challenging but worthwhile path toward recovery.”
Scott Wright, president and CEO of Lovaas Institute and LIFE Midwest, Inc.

“The combination of hard work on the part of the parents, teachers, therapists, and medical care specifically for the treatment of autism can make children improve dramatically. But in Ryan’s case it resulted in complete recovery. This book gives us all hope for the future.”
Katherine E. Robertson, RN, MSN, LTC (ret.) U.S. Army, founder of the Northern New York Autism Foundation

“When I first met Ryan around age five, he was disengaged and had significant social and communication problems. While Ryan’s deficits were extensive, he made remarkable progress after we implemented the Applied Behavior Analysis program designed specifically to meet his needs. I feel fortunate and proud to have been a part of his amazing success and continue to be inspired by him and his family’s relentless dedication that lead to his recovery.”
Mindi Fisher Pohlenz, BCBA, MSc SLT,director of the Behavior Intervention Group

I Know You’re in There is an important book for families dealing with autism. This heartfelt story destroys many of the myths associated with the diagnosis. Readers will come to understand how autism can be treatable and surmountable when children receive proper interventions for their medical needs. We want to thank Ryan and his family for bravely sharing their story because in doing so they will undoubtedly help other families looking for answers.”
Treating Autism nonprofit, United Kingdom (Treating Autism provides support to families affected by autism)


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