
Trusted treatments for everyday health problems

More Than a Thousand Remedies at Your Fingertips! 

Long before the age of high-tech medicine—and health insurance companies—people healed themselves at home using timetested techniques, many of which are still valuable today. With the help of our board of medical advisors and modern-day scientific research, we’ve selected the very best herbs, foods, and household healers to help you feel better fast, without expensive drugs and with fewer side effects.

About the author(s)

A trusted friend in a complicated world, Reader’s Digest is all about being real. Considered America's most trusted brand, Reader’s Digest simplifies and enriches lives by discovering and sharing fascinating stories, interesting ideas and exceptional experiences in addition to advice on health, home, family, food and finance. Looking for something to tickle your funny bone as well? Reader’s Digest has just what the doctor ordered. Our content is delivered in multi-platforms including print, digital, books, and home entertainment products.

More by Reader'S Digest

More Healing

More Herbal Medications

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