
Utilizing the healing power of breath to change consciousness

• Explains how to enter altered states of consciousness, increase paranormal abilities, and resolve old traumas using breathwork

• Introduces the Five Cycles of Change that bring about major life shifts and how to work with them

• Includes 70-minute audio download of chakra-attuned rhythms to play during the journey

Incorporating psychospiritual tools with her Shamanic Breathwork practice, Linda Star Wolf shows how to spiritually journey in the same way shamans entrain to the rhythms of drums or rattles using the breath, either alone or together with music. Much like traveling to sacred places or ingesting entheogens, this practice can be used to enter altered states of consciousness, connect to cosmic consciousness, increase paranormal abilities, and awaken the shaman within. Breathwork can also be used to resolve old traumas and shapeshift unproductive modes of thinking in order to move beyond them.

Utilizing the healing power of breath along with chakra-attuned music, Linda Star Wolf explores the Five Cycles of Change--the Alchemical Map of Shamanic Consciousness--and how these cycles affect you as you move through major shifts in your life. Filled with personal stories and case histories, the book also includes 70-minute audio download of shamanic trance rhythms and a guided meditation to awaken the chakras during practice.

About the author(s)

Linda Star Wolf, Ph.D., has been a visionary teacher and shamanic guide for more than 35 years. The founder and codirector of Venus Rising Association for Transformation and the founder and president of Venus Rising University for Shamanic Psychospiritual Studies, she is the creator of the Shamanic Breathwork Process as well as the Shamanic Ministers Global Network and the Wise Wolf Councils. A spiritual granddaughter of Seneca Wolf Clan Grandmother Twylah Nitsch, Star Wolf is the author of Shamanic Breathwork and co-author of Visionary Shamanism, Shamanic Egyptian Astrology, Shamanic Mysteries of Egypt, and The Anubis Oracle. She lives at Isis Cove Retreat Center near Asheville, North Carolina.

Nicki Scully has been a healer and teacher of shamanism and the Egyptian mysteries since 1978. She lectures worldwide and specializes in spiritual tours to sacred sites in Egypt, Peru, and other countries. She is the author of Power Animal Meditations and Alchemical Healing, and the co-author of Shamanic Mysteries of Egypt and The Anubis Oracle. Nicki lives in Eugene, Oregon, where she maintains a comprehensive healing and shamanic consulting practice.


“There is tremendous power in Linda Star Wolf’s words like there is power in the breathwork she practices and teaches. The stories, insights, and information found here touch the heart, soul, body, and brain. Shamanic Breathwork is a must read for anyone ready for a major shift in consciousness.”

“In the Shamanic Breathwork journey, Star Wolf weaves her own healing experience into a powerful, compassionate process of deep inner work for others.”

“Linda Star Wolf has written a landmark book describing her incredible healing and transformational process.Shamanic Breathwork is a must for transpersonal therapists who truly desire to help people move through the middle toward higher consciousness, peace, and a healthy planet.”

Shamanic Breathwork provides readers with a powerful process that heals us both individually and collectively as citizens of Planet Earth. Linda Star Wolf is one of those rare transformers whose visions and words weave their way into the depths of our psyches and bring us out the other side empowered and deeply connected to our inner guidance and soul’s path.”

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