
Shamanic practices to access your spiritual blueprint, communicate with the universal mind, and transform in to your highest spiritual self

• Explains how to tune in to imaginal cells to heal the past, activate the shaman within, and download information from the future

• Includes shamanic breathwork practices and rituals to open access to your spiritual blueprint--the hologram of who your highest, best self is meant to be--and be more potent and powerful in the present

We are in a highly transitional time on Earth as old structures break down in preparation for the new world that is coming. The accelerated pace of this time of spiritual evolution is forcing each of us to awaken the shaman within and reach our highest potential as quickly as possible. We no longer have the luxury of learning only from the past--we must also download information from the future in order to be fully present, fully conscious, in our most embodied and best self now.

Incorporating the wisdom teachings of Seneca Wolf Clan Grandmother Twylah Nitsch with shamanic journeys and shamanic breathwork practices, Linda Star Wolf and Anne Dillon explain how to heal the past, learn from the future, and activate the imaginal cells within our human energy field. Imaginal cells are the energies of what has already happened and will happen stored in the blueprint of the invisible world. By tuning in to these imaginal cells, you can open access to your spiritual blueprint--the hologram of who your highest, best self is meant to be--and accelerate your evolutionary potential in this lifetime. Including information received by Star Wolf from the future, the book explores how to develop a communication link with the universe, receive guidance from the universal mind, and draw information from the future to be more potent and powerful in the present, live in harmony with one another and the planet, and fully prepare yourself for the new world to come.

About the author(s)

Linda Star Wolf, Ph.D., has been a visionary teacher and shamanic guide for more than 35 years. The founder and codirector of Venus Rising Association for Transformation and the founder and president of Venus Rising University for Shamanic Psychospiritual Studies, she is the creator of the Shamanic Breathwork Process as well as the Shamanic Ministers Global Network and the Wise Wolf Councils. A spiritual granddaughter of Seneca Wolf Clan Grandmother Twylah Nitsch, Star Wolf is the author of Shamanic Breathwork and co-author of Visionary Shamanism, Shamanic Egyptian Astrology, Shamanic Mysteries of Egypt, and The Anubis Oracle. She lives at Isis Cove Retreat Center near Asheville, North Carolina.

Anne Dillon is an editor, Reiki practitioner, and student of the alternative healing arts. She lives in Waitsfield, Vermont.

Barbara Hand Clow is an internationally acclaimed ceremonial teacher, author, and Mayan Calendar researcher. Her numerous books include The Pleiadian Agenda, Alchemy of Nine Dimensions, Awakening the Planetary Mind, Astrology and the Rising of Kundalini, and The Mayan Code. She has taught at sacred sites throughout the world and maintains an astrological web site,


“This highly readable book is a goldmine of fascinating material. It clearly demonstrates how past-life memories, including past-life knowledge, can spontaneously rise to the surface to be reexperienced and reenacted in places where we have lived before.”

Visionary Shamanism reminds us to create from the future and not from the past. Through its many wonderful stories, ancient spiritual teachings are revealed, and clear guidance is offered as to how we can heal our past and clear the way to be the best self we are meant to be.”

Visionary Shamanism deconstructs current shifts happening on the planet. The authors provide us with the hopeful and fascinating fuel to ignite our hearts at an intuitive level and instigate the requisite inner shamanic journey each of us must make to solidify that change. It is the perfect read for the times we live in.”

Visionary Shamanism summons the power of the future self and the imaginal cells to invoke the remembering of self as Divine creator and midwife of the new Earth. An inspiring, illuminating, and heart-centered read.”

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