
Do you trust God?

Meg Apperson grew up having a relationship with Jesus and would say she had trusted God her entire life. But when her daughter Avery—a miracle in so many ways—was born with a syndrome of severe birth defects,  Meg began to fully understand what it really means to trust Jesus with everything.

In this tender memoir, full of gut-wrenching emotion, you’ll hear a mother’s personal story of fighting for her child, her family, and even herself as she grapples with the weight of failure—of letting down everyone around her and feeling let down by God.

But in the midst of the fight, through heavy grief, she not only discovers her own voice—she discovers that God is good and God is faithful.

If you have ever experienced grief, suffering, or pain …

If God has ever asked you to surrender more than you thought possible …

If you’ve ever questioned how God is at work in the darkness …

A Sky Full of Stars is for you.

This book will show you that when everything is dark around you, goodness can be found in the suffering. Reading it will help you discover new ways to rely on God’s trustworthiness.


"Apperson’s emotional memoir will move any Christian."
-Publisher’s Weekly

"Meg Apperson knows what it means to suffer—and yet she also knows what it means to find a way to the place of peace amidst suffering."
-Matt Redman, Grammy Award–winning songwriter and worship leader

 "[T]his book is raw and unapologetic, yet it reveals the God who is always there—just on the other side of our agonies." 
-Stephen Mansfield, New York Times bestselling author

"[This] story ...  has the potential to grow and expand your heart. Meg’s words have the power to change your perspective and ignite a passion that will change the way you think, speak, and act."
-Lisa Leonard, Bestselling author of Brave Love

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