The God We Never Knew

Beyond Dogmatic Religion To A More Authenthic Contemporary Faith


How to have faith—or even think about God—without having to stifle modern rational thought is one of the most vital challenges facing many of us today. Marcus J. Borg, author of the bestselling Meeting Jesus Again for the First Time, traces his personal spiritual journey to the discovery of an authentic yet fully contemporary understanding of God. In a compelling, readable way, he leads us from the distant, authoritarian God of our childhood to an equally powerful, dynamic adult image of God—"the beyond in our midst," the life spirit that is within us and all around us—that reconciles faith with science, history, critical thinking, and religious pluralism.

About the author(s)

Marcus J. Borg (1942–2015) was a pioneering author and teacher whom the New York Times described as "a leading figure in his generation of Jesus scholars." He was the Hundere Distinguished Professor of Religion and Culture at Oregon State University and canon theologian at Trinity Episcopal Cathedral in Portland, and he appeared on NBC's The Today Show and Dateline, ABC's World News, and NPR's Fresh Air. His books have sold over a million copies, including the bestselling Meeting Jesus Again for the First Time, Reading the Bible Again for the First Time, Jesus, The Heart of Christianity, Evolution of the Word, Speaking Christian, and Convictions.


The God We Never Knew will appeal to unbelieving seekers and fainthearted believers, but it also has riches for those who think their faith is secure.” — Robert N. Bellah, author of Habits of the Heart

“Writing clearly, summarizing some of the best contemporary theology in non-technical language, Borg continues to speak to, and to challenge, the widest possible audience.” — Publishers Weekly

“Borg does what few scholars on religion seem capable of doing: he has digested an immense amount of difficult, often conflicting religious ideas and written a clear, coherent, and highly readable theological work that satisfies the mind and the soul.” — Oregonian

“In this trenchant theological work, Borg challenges us to re-imagine God, spiritual practice, justice, and salvation. It is a subtle, flexible, intelligent, and mature reframing of Christianity for this age of heated-up religious pluralism.” — Spirituality & Practice

“A breath of fresh air, a liberating book for Jews and Christians alike.” — Harold Kushner, author of When Bad Things Happen to Good People

“[P]ersuasive and inspiriting.” — Frederick Buechner

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