
Los destacados especialistas en Jesús, Marcus J. Borg y John Dominic Crossan, se unen para revelarnos un Jesús radicalmente nuevo y poco conocido. Cuando ambos autores reaccionaron y respondieron preguntas sobre el exitoso filme de Mel Gibson, La Pasión de Jesucristo, descubrieron que muchos cristianos no tienen claro los detalles de los acontecimientos de la semana que condujo a Jesús a su muerte en la cruz. Usando el evangelio de Marcos como guía, Borg y Crossan presentan un relato día a día de la última semana de vida de Jesús. Comienzan su historia el Domingo de Ramos con dos entradas triunfales a Jerusalén. La primera entrada, la del gobernador romano Poncio Pilatos que conduce soldados romanos dentro de la ciudad, simboliza la fuerza militar. La segunda anuncia un nuevo tipo de héroe moral que es alabado por la gente mientras va montado sobre un humilde burro. El Jesús presentado por Borg y Crossan es este nuevo héroe moral, un Jesús más peligroso que el consagrado en las enseñanzas tradicionales de la iglesia. La Última Semana pinta a un Jesús que renuncia a su vida para protestar contra el poder sin justicia y para condenar al rico a quien no le importa el pobre. Comprometido con esto, al término de la semana Jesús marcha hacia el Calvario, ofreciéndose como modelo para que otros hagan lo mismo cuando se enfrenten a cuestiones similares. Informados, desafiados e inspirados no sólo nos encontramos con el Jesús histórico, sino también con un nuevo Jesús que nos compromete y nos invita a seguirlo.

About the author(s)

Marcus J. Borg (1942–2015) was a pioneering author and teacher whom the New York Times described as "a leading figure in his generation of Jesus scholars." He was the Hundere Distinguished Professor of Religion and Culture at Oregon State University and canon theologian at Trinity Episcopal Cathedral in Portland, and he appeared on NBC's The Today Show and Dateline, ABC's World News, and NPR's Fresh Air. His books have sold over a million copies, including the bestselling Meeting Jesus Again for the First Time, Reading the Bible Again for the First Time, Jesus, The Heart of Christianity, Evolution of the Word, Speaking Christian, and Convictions.

John Dominic Crossan, professor emeritus at DePaul University, is widely regarded as the foremost historical Jesus scholar of our time. He is the author of several bestselling books, including The Historical Jesus, How to Read the Bible and Still Be a Christian, God and Empire, Jesus: A Revolutionary Biography, The Greatest Prayer, The Last Week, and The Power of Parable. He lives in Minneola, Florida.


“If there is…one book for the redemption of Holy Week, this is it. A must read.” — Peter J. Gomes, Harvard University

“[...] Borg and Crossan show one of the most careful and insightful readings of the Bible I’ve ever come across.” — Brian McLaren, author of A New Kind of Christian

“It is difficult to overestimate the importance of this volume[...]” — Barbara Brown Taylor, author of Leaving Church and Preaching Life

“These controversial Jesus Seminar scholars provide lots to ponder.” — The Kansas City Star

“Borg and Crossan brilliantly chronicle the tension that forced everyone to pledge allegiance -- either to Rome or to Jesus.” — Los Angeles Times

“A readable and attractive reinterpretation of Jesus’ death and resurrection. . . .” — Houston Chronicle

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