
The Lord is calling His people to break their silence and proclaim the Gospel to everyone—right now.

The Spirit of God is moving in people’s hearts, prompting them to speak out against the sins and atrocities in our world. Speaking out comes with a cost. It can be challenging, unpopular, and downright lonely. You will be misunderstood. But those who speak in God’s voice find peace for being faithful to his call.

God has always looked for people who are willing to do what He needs done. He takes those imperfect people and baptizes them with passion to do His will. They cannot escape its clutches.

God wants to say something to you and through you. He is looking for a trumpet; the raised voices of His remnant are the sounds of revival. Revival happens when repentance happens. Repentance happens when people speak the heart of God. God has voices ready to speak and bring revival to earth. Are you one of them? If you are looking for a way to unlock the words of God from deep in your soul, this book is for you.

About the author(s)

Pastor Myles Rutherford is a revivalist whose aim is to ignite the fire of God in the hearts of people across the globe. He serves alongside his wife, Pastor DeLana Rutherford, as the founder of Worship with Wonders Church in Marietta, Georgia. They have two children. Myles is a successful author, songwriter, and recording artist who has appeared on various media outlets, including TBN and radio.


“Today’s complacency is tomorrow’s captivity. There is no such thing as silent Christianity. Accordingly, just like the prophet Elijah and John the Baptist in their respective generations, Myles Rutherford is one of the most anointed and truth-telling voices alive today! Pastor Myles embodies the following: truth must never be sacrificed on the altar of expediency. It’s time to go raise our voices! This book is not a must-read, it is a must-do.” -Samuel Rodriguez President, National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference

“Raise Your Voice is a book for our time. Never before have the torrents of Hell been met by so deadly a silence as the time we find ourselves in today. The threat of cancel culture has forced the majority of well-intentioned people to adopt silence as their new warfare strategy. Those who adopt this strategy fail to recognize that if they are silent, they are already as good as canceled. I met Myles Rutherford through my Instagram news feed. His voice cried aloud with such boldness and courage that I wondered whether if indeed one could say the things he was saying and still possess an Instagram account. His voice is like John the Baptist’s. In the midst of the echoes, reposting what’s popular, he has opted to travel the lonely road of truth-telling. His book is not for penguins, it’s for eagles. It’s not for those who have substituted Christianity for a nice thirty-minute TED talk sponsored by Jesus every Sunday. It’s explicit and unfiltered content designed to deliberately rally a remnant—a John the Baptist generation. What I love most about the book is his intention to raise other prophetic voices around the world who will stand up for what is right. I highly recommend this book and it’s author. He is a man who lives what he says and says what he lives.” -Tomi Arayomi Founder of RIG Nation 

“This book is about being a voice for God in a society that is moving away from Him. It encourages readers to speak out with truth and love, using their God-given authority and faith to make a difference in the world. It also discusses the challenges and rewards of being a voice for God, and the impact that believers can have in bringing about repentance and revival.” -Vladimir Savchuk Pastor, HungryGen Church, Pasco, Washington, and author of Break Free

"Pastor Myles Rutherford is a very passionate and intentional man of God. Among his strongest mandates is the call to “Stir-An-At-Ease-Zion” (Amos 6:1 “Ease/Quiet”). Raise Your Voice is not a book intended to make us feel cozy. Raise Your Voice is the beacon from a lighthouse to warn and help us navigate dangerous waters! Thank you, Pastor Myles Rutherford, for your strength and conviction. You address a people who don’t even blush at their sin (Jeremiah 6:15).” -Joseph and Yolanda Morgan Pastors, Celebration of Life Church, Nashville, Tennessee

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