Hijacking Jesus

How Progressive Christians Are Remaking Him and Taking Over His Church


Progressives have fabricated a new Jesus so different from the real Savior that their faith can hardly be called Christianity.

Progressive Christian leaders have abandoned the resurrected Savior of historical Christianity, radically reinterpreting Him as a Jewish mystic or a man of God devoid of divine claims and miracles. In the postmodern era, "remaking Jesus" has become a deadly temptation.

The “modern Jesus” of progressives—supposedly friendlier and more accepting than the Savior we know from the Gospels—is gaining popularity and acceptance among self-identified Christians. But they don’t realize that progressive Christianity rejects the biblical revelation of Jesus Christ, the Word made flesh.

Hijacking Jesus addresses perennial questions about the nature of Christ and his teaching, testing the historical and theological accuracy of progressive Christians. Their “Jesus” is simply no match for the reliability of the four Gospels, which are the most credible historical sources for Jesus’s life, teachings, miracles, death, and resurrection. Christians can accept no substitute for the witness of the Gospels and the theological doctrines of the church that Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior.

About the author(s)

Jason Jimenez is the founder and president of Stand Strong Ministries. He is a bestselling author and national speaker, specializing in biblical worldview training, family ministry, and church leadership.


“Hijacking Jesus is the book I’ve been hoping someone would write! It’s a thorough and accessible intellectual response to progressive Christianity that will become an essential resource for the Body of Christ. Jason Jimenez graciously and truthfully exposes the falsehoods of progressive Christianity and gives wise and practical advice for how to interact with friends and loved ones who have become seduced by its false promises.” -Alisa Childers, host of the Alisa Childers Podcast, author of Another Gospel? and Live Your Truth and Other Lies

Hijacking Jesus not only shows you where the so-called progressive Christians have gone wrong but brilliantly illustrates what the true Jesus did for you. Don’t trade the sacrifice, love, and forgiveness of Jesus for a counterfeit made in the image of a debased culture. Eternity is at stake. In fact, you should teach the truths in this book to your kids!” – Frank Turek, president of CrossExamined.org, coauthor of I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist

“Jason Jimenez masterfully tackles the spiritual perils lurking in some of today’s churches and Christian circles, exposing improper theology, dangerous distortions, and the antidote needed to preserve authentic biblical faith. Jimenez reveals some much-needed realities that every discerning Christian would be smart to explore.” –Billy Hallowell, CBN News host, Faithwire reporter, author of Playing with Fire

Hijacking Jesus deflates the fallacies of progressive Christianity while simultaneously offering a seminary-worthy education on biblical orthodoxy. The reality is, wokeness is a false gospel, and Jimenez not only shows us why it’s heretical but also vividly displays what we can do about it.” –Lucas Miles, pastor, author of Woke Jesus: The False Messiah Destroying Christianity

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