
Teachings, exercises, and reflections to help you be mindful during menopause from a respected psychologist.

The Mindful Menopause Workbook will help you bring mindfulness into your day-to-day activities during menopause with teachings, exercises, and meditations. Learn how to recognize and achieve a more balanced, peaceful, and joyful orientation to menopause and beyond.

The Mindful Menopause Workbook provides a year’s worth of daily teachings and prompts that offer you moments for self-care and self-development—mentally, physically, and spiritually. 

Each daily teaching includes space for you to write about the thoughts, emotions, or sensations that are arising for you.

This is followed by guided meditations and breath exercises that promote body-mind unity through deep relaxation and expanded peaceful awareness.

The book also includes an in-depth illustrated guide to yoga postures and outlines sequential poses that foster greater ease and awareness of your body.

Mindful Menopause sensitively addresses issues that commonly arise during menopause, and gives recommendations for managing symptoms such as insomnia, fatigue, low energy and libido, anxiety, depression, hot flashes, physical discomfort, poor digestion, and weight gain. 

Together, these teachings, exercises, and reflections will help you approach menopause mindfully and joyfully, allowing you to deepen your practice and transition gracefully into this new stage of your life.

About the author(s)

Francesca Dupraz-Brossard is a psychologist and clinical sexologist in private practice in Geneva, Switzerland. She uses a third-wave cognitive-behavioral approach and mindfulness, hypnosis, and schema therapy to help her patients find their happiest and healthiest self. Of Spanish-French heritage, she was born and raised in London, where she obtained bachelor's degrees in modern languages and in psychology. Her interests took her to Egypt, then Madrid; at twenty-three, she left to live in Cyprus, then Saudi Arabia, and finally to Geneva, Switzerland, where she obtained a second master's in psychology and where she has been since 1995. She is a member of the British Psychological Society (BPS), the Swiss Society of Psychologists (FSP), the Swiss Institute of Hypnosis (IRHyS), the Swiss Society of Clinical Hypnosis (SHyPS), the Swiss Association of Complementary Medicine (ASCA), the Swiss Association of Cognitive Psychotherapy (ASPCo), the Swiss Society of Sexology (SSS), the International Society of Schema Therapy (ISST), L'Institut Sexocorporel International (ISI), and the European Society of Sexual Medicine (ESSM).



“In this beautifully illustrated and creatively executed resource, Francesca Dupraz-Brossard offers a thoughtful, accessible, and science-supported opportunity to women dealing with the imposing challenges of menopause. With clear skills and moving passages for daily practice, the reader is invited to embrace a renewed sense of personal empowerment, clarity, and self-compassion. This is a must-have workbook for the body and soul.”

Wendy Behary, author of Disarming the Narcissist

“A rich workbook full of kindness, empathy, and overflowing, refined creativity that addresses a topic not openly discussed. The author takes us by the hand and inspires us to become conscious architects of our daily lives.”

Catherine Weber, LL.B Law, consultant, United Nations, Geneva, Switzerland

“I recommend this insightful workbook strongly, as it is a lovely, creative gift from Dr. Dupraz-Brossard related to the stages of a woman’s life and the process of growth and aging. It is a beautiful book and it is clear how much love and effort went into it from a wise and skilled psychotherapist. It makes good use of third-wave cognitive-behavioral therapy approaches, presenting schema therapy healing concepts that can enrich mindfulness practice.”

Joan M. Farrell, PhD, codirector, Schema Therapy Institute Midwest-Indianapolis Center, coauthor of Experiencing Schema Therapy from the Inside Out

The Mindful Menopause Workbook is an invitation to take the time each day to be present and to open up to what is there with curiosity during the transitional stage of menopause. In this way, menopause can become an opportunity to get to know oneself better. Francesca Dupraz-Brossard accompanies the reader on this journey with great gentleness and kindness, helping her to discover the necessary resources to live this particular stage of life at its best.”

Francoise Jermann, PhD, psychologist and psychotherapist, Geneva University Hospitals, Switzerland

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