
Cait Perry has learned the hard way not to trust any man, so she's secluded herself in a cabin in the wild Montana mountains, with only her "cats" for company. But at times the curvaceous mountain woman longs for something—and someone—more than this lonely life she's built for herself. Then one day ruggedly handsome Ethan Sawyer walks into her secluded sanctuary, determined to capture a wild cougar that is threatening the nearby town. Although she tries to resist the virile hunter, Cait can't help falling prey to his embrace. Here is a man of courage, soul and passion, even if he's on the wrong side. Will his love be another trap, or will it finally free Cait from the past?

About the author(s)

Sheli Morgan is the author of four previous Western romances for Avon. She lives with her husband and children in Texas.