
A guide to navigating the transition from 3D to 5D and reclaiming the ancient powers of love, creativity, and unity consciousness lying dormant in our DNA

• Details what is happening psychologically, emotionally, and socially with the dimensional shift and provides a vision of life on 5D Earth

• Offers transformative activations and tools to meet the psycho-spiritual demands of this transition, including identifying and integrating the shadow self, healing emotional wounds, and discovering higher frequencies

• Explains how to navigate the Ascension process, especially in terms of handling emotions, resistances, and fears, and how to welcome these new frequencies

We are in a time of great transition. Higher frequency light is flooding our planet, awakening large numbers to reclaim our original nature as fifth-dimensional humans. As 5D humans, we live from our heart’s wisdom, from Unity Consciousness, unconditional love, and unbridled creativity. 5D humans have highly developed inner senses of empathy, telepathy, clairvoyance, and clairsentience--qualities that are opening for many as we go through this dimensional shift.

While this journey is exciting, its demands can be overwhelming. In this hands-on guide to activating the 5D potential lying dormant in our DNA, Judith Corvin-Blackburn shows us how to navigate the Ascension process, including how to handle emotions, resistances, and fears and welcome our 5D frequencies. Using the 9-dimensional-axis theory first explored by Barbara Hand Clow, the author details what is happening psychologically, emotionally, and socially with the dimensional shift, including revealing the denser, pain-inducing frequency of being a 3D human and the challenges of the 4th dimension. She offers transformative activations and tools to explore and master the psycho-spiritual demands of this transition, including identifying and integrating the shadow self, healing emotional wounds that hold us back, and discovering higher frequencies and the cellular vibration of unconditional love and Oneness.

Once we reclaim ourselves as loving, conscious, creator beings and realize we are part of a global 5D team, together we can consciously help co-create a New Earth by anchoring the 5D frequency in both our inner and outer worlds.

About the author(s)

Judith Corvin-Blackburn, LCSW, DMin, has been a practicing transpersonal psychotherapist for more than 40 years. She is the author of 3 books, a Shamanic Minister, a nationally recognized teacher, and cofounder of the Shamanic Multidimensional Mystery School. She lives in the Isis Cove community in Western North Carolina.

Barbara Hand Clow is an internationally acclaimed ceremonial teacher, author, and Mayan Calendar researcher. Her numerous books include The Pleiadian Agenda, Alchemy of Nine Dimensions, Awakening the Planetary Mind, Astrology and the Rising of Kundalini, and The Mayan Code. She has taught at sacred sites throughout the world and maintains an astrological web site,

Linda Star Wolf, Ph.D., has been a visionary teacher and shamanic guide for more than 35 years. The founder and codirector of Venus Rising Association for Transformation and the founder and president of Venus Rising University for Shamanic Psychospiritual Studies, she is the creator of the Shamanic Breathwork Process as well as the Shamanic Ministers Global Network and the Wise Wolf Councils. A spiritual granddaughter of Seneca Wolf Clan Grandmother Twylah Nitsch, Star Wolf is the author of Shamanic Breathwork and co-author of Visionary Shamanism, Shamanic Egyptian Astrology, Shamanic Mysteries of Egypt, and The Anubis Oracle. She lives at Isis Cove Retreat Center near Asheville, North Carolina.


“Activating Your 5D Frequency comes at the perfect time, as the veils between the dimensions are dissolving. At this crucial crossroads, this graceful, down-to-earth work guides us to release the false 3D self, offering clear steps to shift our vibration into 5D. Corvin-Blackburn rings a clarion call to drop the old illusions, embrace our shadow side, and claim our true selves and true empowerment. An illuminating, enjoyable, much-needed message!”

“A work of genius! Activating Your 5D Frequency is right on time, offering humanity a clear and concise cosmological guidebook for navigating the frequencies of the nine-dimensional axis of consciousness and supporting us as we collectively shift into fifth-dimensional humans of the heart.”

“Judith has written a connect-the-dots compendium of our transition from 3D to 5D consciousness. Full of exercises designed to help us recognize and expand 5D consciousness as it already exists, this book also suggests life choices we can collectively implement that will lift our planet to a new level of harmony and cooperation. This book is a worthy contribution to this body of interest.”

“A treasure trove of exquisitely timed teachings and exercises that will take us to the next level of our glorious human destiny with ease. I couldn’t stop reading once I started, and I plan to make this top-notch book required reading for my students!”

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