The Desire Factor

How to Embrace Your Materialistic Nature to Reclaim Your Full Spiritual Power


How to Master Your Energy so You Can Have What You Desire

Christy Whitman, transformational leader, founder of the Quantum Success Coaching Academy, and channel for The Divine Council unfolds the precise steps for bringing about the manifestation of any desire. 

The book is built around 7 Universal Principles for tapping into the divine energy stream that is the source of all things so that you can have more peace, prosperity, and joy.

The Desire Factor shows you how to master your energy so you can create a life that you love despite what’s going on around you.

When you harness the energy of The Desire Factor, you’ll understand:

  • How to transform longing into joyful expectancy
  • What alignment feels like and how to achieve it
  • How to use the power of focus to manifest your desires
  • The role that surrender plays in the manifestation process
  • How to cultivate the energy of having, even before your desire has manifested
  • The secret to infusing your external actions with spiritual power
  • How to attract your desires through the power of love

Christy Whitman’s philosophy is that YOU are the energy master of your own life; you embody healing energy and have the power to improve your circumstances; you direct this unlimited flow of energy wherever you want, allowing you to manifest; it is your Divine Nature to create—and this creation is invigorating!

Whitman has applied her principles of energy mastery to train over three thousand life coaches to take their innate gifts and skills and turn them into profitable fulfilling businesses.

And now in The Desire Factor she provides one of the most current, comprehensive, and easy to apply explorations into the realm of energy, and shows you how, by mastering your energy, you can bring any desire into physical form.

Order your copy today.

About the author(s)

Christy Whitman is a New York Times bestselling author and transformational leader. She has appeared on The Today ShowThe Morning Show, TedX, and The Hallmark Channel, and her work has been featured in numerous publications and magazines. Christy teaches the Law of Attraction, energy mastery, and personal development classes, meditations, and private sessions to help clients feel more aligned with the Divine Design of well-being, abundance, and success. She currently lives in sunny Arizona with her husband and two boys. Meet her at


The Desire Factor is a testament to the success principles I’ve been living and teaching for more than forty years. Whether we experience happiness or unhappiness, success or failure depends on what we, ourselves, believe we are deserving of. What we think about, talk about, feel strongly about, and act on, we attract into our lives. In this book, my friend Christy Whitman lays out a reliable road map for how to do all of the above on purpose.”

—Jack Canfield, coauthor of the #1 New York Times bestselling Chicken Soup for the Soul® series and The Success Principles™, and a featured teacher in The Secret

“In The Desire Factor, Christy Whitman has pulled back the curtain and revealed how successful people fulfill their desires. Well-written, with engaging, easy-to-relate-to stories, this book will guide you to a completely new understanding of what fulfilling desires means and why you have the desires you have. This is one of those books to put on your must-read list.”

—Chris Attwood, New York Times bestselling author of The Passion Test and Your Hidden Riches

“As a TM meditator of almost forty years, I’ve often felt profoundly connected to our collective quantum soup. Christy Whitman’s The Desire Factor beautifully makes the case that desire not only doesn’t deserve its bad rap (thanks a lot, Adam and Eve), but it’s actually one of the soup’s most transformational ingredients.”

—Tom Bergeron, TV host and soup resident

The Desire Factor is a handbook that teaches you how to manifest any desire, big or small. Christy reveals the art and science of creating fulfillment and empowerment in every aspect of your life. Bravo, Christy, for sharing these important principles.”

—Cynthia Kersey, bestselling author of Unstoppable, founder & CEO of Unstoppable Foundation

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