Everyday Ambassador

Make a Difference by Connecting in a Disconnected World


In Everyday Ambassador Kate Otto brings people together even as our digital networks pull us further apart.

In a world of limitless technology, we are more connected than ever before but our hyper-connected lifestyles threaten our ability to know ourselves and interact with each other. By focusing on the four core values that allow us to become truly “connected” in tech-centric societies—empathy, patience, focus, and humility—Otto demonstrates that the power of technology is not in the tool, but in the intention of the person using it.

Everyday Ambassador offers a unique solution to those who aspire to truly make a difference in the twenty-first century—revealing the secrets of how to unite people, even when technology keeps us at a distance from others—emotionally and physically. Otto helps us lift our heads up from our cell phones and tablets and take a look at the people standing right in front of us.

In a time when good citizenship is the new currency of cool, Everyday Ambassador gives us the tactics to connect in our disconnected world.

About the author(s)

Kate Otto is the founder and director of Everyday Ambassador, a network for young individuals who are currently pursuing or have completed an international service opportunity, fellowship, or travel abroad experience. She is also a global health consultant who has worked for several development institutions and grassroots organizations, including The World Bank and USAID. She writes for Huffington Post and Christian Science Monitor, and currently lives in New York City.


"Kate Otto is the ultimate example of how someone can mobilize the spirit, the heart, and a true love for mankind to become an everyday ambassador...We all have a role to play in building a more peaceful world for future generations, and this book shows us how to act in order to build that better future."

Alicia Keys, activist and Grammy Award-winning artist

"Rich with provocative ideas, Everyday Ambassador is a book that will inspire you to create meaningful change on a person-to-person level. The four core values that are explored seem simplistic, but Otto lays out how important they are for anyone who wants to promote compassionate action and social change. With greater focus, empathy, patience, and humility, the world would be a better and more just place to live."

Anthony D. Romero, Executive Director, American Civil Liberties Union

“We need a cadre of ‘everyday ambassadors’ to translate our best intentions into pragmatic actions that promote health and social equity. Kate Otto illuminates a way, in our digitized age, to develop deep human relationships to further these goals. Kate’s lessons are valuable ones for any young person who, as so many now do, travel in hopes of serving communities far from home.”

Dr. Paul Farmer, founding director of Partners in Health & Chair of Global Health and Social Medicine at Harvard Medical School

“Kate Otto’s stories illustrate the care, patience, and deep listening that are vital to crafting lasting solutions to social problems around the world. This book shows how humility and perseverance are needed to turn good intentions into meaningful action. It will provide valuable insights for the growing community of globally minded changemakers.”

David Bornstein, New York Times Opinionator journalist and author of How to Change the World

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