
Hadamar is the story of Ingrid Marchand, a young woman of mixed German-French-African race and her struggle to survive as the Nazis rise to power and Hitler's barbaric racial policies are introduced. While Ingrid's colour has always ostracisedher in the community, the rise of Adolf Hitler increases the level of hatred and prejudice to a new, frightening level. When Ingrid begins to suffer from epileptic fits, she is forcibly sterilised and sent to Hadamar, an institution for the mentally and physically disabled.  There she discovers the true horrors of the Nazi regime, as well as a strength she never knew she had.,

About the author(s)

Jason K. Foster is an author, freelance journalist and history teacher who grew up in the Blue Mountains, west of Sydney. He is currently studying his PhD in Media and Communication at RMIT, focusing on the representations of history in film and other media. He holds a Master’s degree, as well as degrees in Journalism, Secondary History teaching, and Spanish. Jason has presented at numerous forums, both within Australia and internationally, discussing historical research and the writing and construction of historical narratives. Author is currently based in Sydney, NSW.