Journeys with Plant Spirits

Plant Consciousness Healing and Natural Magic Practices


• Presents meditation journeys with specific plant and tree spirits, such as Mugwort, Rosemary, Dandelion, Yew, Elder, and Wormwood

• Details how to achieve a calm mind, cleanse your energy field, and connect with your heart in preparation for meditating with the plants

• Includes a progressive series of introductory meditations, adapted from wisdom traditions, to lay the foundation for working with plant spirits

In this book, Emma Farrell explains how to take your connection and relationship with nature to a deeper level and access plant spirit healing through meditation with plants. Exploring the nature of plant consciousness and how plants perceive, she details how to achieve a calm mind, cleanse your energy field, and connect with your heart in preparation for meditating with plants and trees, showing how the plants can support us not only in the cleansing process but also in teaching us how to sense what is in our energy field.

Offering a progressive series of preparatory meditations adapted from shamanic and indigenous wisdom traditions, the author reveals how to lay the foundation for working, communicating, and developing relationships with plant and tree spirits--for personal development, spiritual connection, and inner peace. She then presents meditation journeys with specific plant spirits, focusing on the frequencies within the plant’s bioresonance that will assist you. For example, the meditation with Mugwort works with the plant spirit’s qualities of alignment and self-awareness to assist you with grounding and developing inner vision, while the meditation with Dandelion helps you break old habits by working with the plant’s qualities of release, reconnection, and fearlessness.

Revealing how each plant is an expression of the soul force of Mother Nature and carries a unique blend of her medicine and wisdom, this book details step-by-step how to effectively work with plant spirits for emotional and spiritual healing, enabling you to awaken the eternal spirit, or soul, to become truly multidimensional and whole.

About the author(s)

Emma Farrell is a plant spirit healer, geomancer, shamanic teacher, and the cofounder with her husband, Davyd, of the groundbreaking London event Plant Consciousness. She is a lineage holder of the White Serpent teachings and has been initiated into ancient magical practices of the British Isles. She currently runs a school of warrior healers and an apothecary of plant spirit medicine. She lives in South West England.

Pam Montgomery is an author, teacher, and practitioner who has passionately embraced her role as a spokesperson for the green beings. She has been investigating plants, trees, and their intelligent spiritual nature for more than three decades. She is the author of two books, including the highly acclaimed Plant Spirit Healing; A Guide to Working with Plant Consciousness. She operates the Partner Earth Education Center in Danby, Vermont, where they offer classes, conduct plant research, and hold ceremonies. Pam also teaches internationally on plant spirit healing, spiritual ecology, and people as Nature Evolutionaries. She is a founding member of United Plant Savers and more recently the Organization of Nature Evolutionaries, or O.N.E. Her latest passion is to engage ceremonially in full symbiosis within the plant/human matrix where the elder common plants and trees initiate us and guide us into being truly human. Pam lives in Danby, Vermont.


“A beautifully written and invaluable text for all those called to explore their magical connection to the plant kingdom. Emma Farrell’s sensitivity to the inner life of plants shines within her words, empowering readers to discover for themselves transformative healing and a more profound relationship with the natural world.”

“The practices, meditations, and insights in Journeys with Plant Spirits expertly offer an accessible foundational practice that will help you deepen your relationship with spirit and nature. Emma shares grounded advice in a practical and generous manner that will not only help beginners on the plant spirit path but provide a supportive framework for those who have been connecting with the plant spirits for some time. Open this book on almost any page, and you will be invited through the portal into the Otherworld and feel the wisdom of the plants.”

“Through shamanic exploration, historical relevance, and meditative connections, Emma shares the transmissions gifted through the ancient roots of plant spirit healing. This is a precious book in which she shares a passionate review of the restorative energies gifted freely by nature, so needed with pharmaceutical pressures and our current separation from the magic of the natural world. A must-read!

“A beautifully written and highly practical guide to plant consciousness. Emma takes us on a wonderful journey into the realm of plant spirits, sharing her wisdom and offering effective tools to help readers have their own unique experiences with plants. She shows us how we can come into deep relationship with the plant world, ultimately helping us remember who we are and why we are here.”

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