
Pat Tucker introduces Lachez in this short story prequel to Daddy by Default—and reveals why she scams to make ends meet.

Things aren’t looking good for Lachez, a cash-strapped mother who doesn’t know how to survive without a man and his money. She decides to make some extra cash by joining a ring of thieves who return stolen clothes to high-end stores for cash. Lachez is on top of the world until they slap the handcuffs on her wrists.

In this hilarious teaser and prequel to Daddy by Default, readers learn why Lachez resorted to paternity/child support fraud to make ends meet.

About the author(s)

By day, Pat Tucker works as a radio news director in Houston, Texas. By night, she is a talented writer with a knack for telling page-turning stories. She is the author of more than twenty books, including, Somebody Has to Pay, The Cocktail Club, Sideline Scandals, Party Girl, Daddy’s Maybe, and Football Widows, as well as the coauthor with Earl Sewell of Loyalty Among Friends and A Social Affair. She has also participated in three anthologies, including New York Times bestselling author Zane’s Caramel Flava. A graduate of San Jose State University, Pat is a member of the National and Houston Association of Black Journalists and Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. She is married with two children.