
The Guardians of the Galaxy return to Earth to save the world from Doctor Doom in this exhilarating novelization of the acclaimed Marvel scripted podcast

Star-Lord and Rocket are a little older, a little slower, and a lot saltier than they were during their glory days. When they crash land in the desolate Midwest, they soon discover that Earth isn't what it used to be either, thirty years after Doctor Doom seized control and created his new domain: the Wastelands. They aren’t there by choice: the former Guardians are working for The Collector, who’s sent them to find the Black Vortex – an ancient relic reported to yield cosmic powers – before the guillotine collars of their employer snap their necks. In the Wastelands, they encounter the ageless telepath Emma Frost, outlaw Ghost Riders, and the bloodthirsty Kraven the Hunter. Who will find the Black Vortex first and what will be the price of its power?

About the author(s)

SARAH CAWKWELL is a sci-fi and fantasy writer based in the North East of England. Old enough to know better, she's still very much young enough not to care. She's been a writer for many years, and her published works include several novels and short stories within the Warhammer and Warhammer 40,000 universes and an original alternate-history fantasy novel. When not slaving away over a hot keyboard, Sarah's hobbies include reading everything and anything she can get her hands on, gaming and other assorted geekery.


"nails the blend of comedy and emotion that works so well for Marvel"

Cosmic Circus

"Cawkwell is brilliant at capturing the characters and bringing them to life."

What You Tolkien About

"Aside from this thrilling narrative, the story introduces a mix of familiar and new characters. However, to discover the fate of Star-Lord, Rocket, and the ultimate outcome of their mission to save the world, readers must stay tuned."

Strangley Awesome Games

"I can not recommend this story enough. The novel is a lot of fun that put a smile on my face the whole time."

Reading With My Eyes