
Save on everything from groceries to plane tickets.

The Reader’s Digest Quintessential Guides do what the Reader’s Digest does better than anyone: the best advice, straight to the point. Saving Money collects some of our best ideas for keeping as much money as you can in your own pockets in a book filled with tips and ideas. Inside you'll find how to:

• Pull the plug on wasted electricity

• 12 ways to save $5 before noon

• Secrets to scoring cheap airfares

• Lower your grocery bills and eat better for less

• 15 things you should never buy again

• Household supplies you can make at home

• Successful tag sale secrets

• Lengthen the life of you appliances And much, much more.

You’ll find something new that you can do to save every time you pick up this book.

About the author(s)

A trusted friend in a complicated world, Reader’s Digest is all about being real. Considered America's most trusted brand, Reader’s Digest simplifies and enriches lives by discovering and sharing fascinating stories, interesting ideas and exceptional experiences in addition to advice on health, home, family, food and finance. Looking for something to tickle your funny bone as well? Reader’s Digest has just what the doctor ordered. Our content is delivered in multi-platforms including print, digital, books, and home entertainment products.

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