
It's hard to think about buying a home. Where do you begin? How do you know if you're ready? What forms must you fill out? How can you avoid being taken advantage of? You might even feel that owning a home is so far beyond your means that it's unattainable. Purchasing a home is easier than you think.

The Reverend Luis Cortés Jr. guides you through this complicated process and shows you how to turn your dream into a reality. The home-buying experience can be difficult, but a house provides more than just a roof over your head. It is an investment that promotes stability, enhances your well-being, and empowers you. Attaining all of this is simple. All it takes is learning the process, developing a plan, setting a goal, and working toward it. The Reverend Luis Cortés Jr. shows you how.

About the author(s)

The Reverend Luis Cortés Jr. is the president and CEO of Esperanza USA, the largest Hispanic faith-based community-development corporation in the country. In January 2005, he was featured as one of Time magazine's "25 Most Influential Evangelicals."

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