The Science of Getting Rich

The Inspiring Guide to Wealth and Success (Classic Edition)


The Science of Getting Rich is considered one of the most influential and acclaimed self-help books in the last 100 years on achieving financial success through the power of positive thinking.

Wallace D Wattles presents a step-by-step guide to both financial and spiritual empowerment which he believed could be attained by transforming attitudes and harnessing opportunities. This book not only explains the "Certain Way" of thinking that is crucial to getting rich, but it provides useful tips on "Gratitude" and "Getting into the Right Business".

Written to inspire anyone looking for financial and spiritual betterment, this book tells you how easy it is to acquire wisdom and wealth...if only you know how.

This handsome classic edition contains the original and unabridged text. See for yourself why this perennial bestseller remains so popular ninety years after it was first published.

ABOUT THE SERIES: Arcturus Classics for Financial Freedom brings together handsome jacketed hardback editions of some of the most renowned personal finance books of all time, featuring classic and unabridged text.

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