
Never before published in a single volume, Tolkien’s four novellas (Farmer Giles of Ham, Leaf by Niggle, Smith of Wootton Major, and Roverandom) and one book of poems (The Adventures of Tom Bombadil) are gathered together for the first time. This new, definitive collection of works — which had appeared separately, in various formats, between 1949 and 1998 — comes with an illuminating introduction from esteemed author and Tolkien expert Tom Shippey as well as Tolkein’s most celebrated essay, “On Fairy-stories,” which astutely addresses the relationship between fairy tales and fantasy.
The book is the perfect opportunity for fans of Middle-earth to enjoy some of Tolkien’s often overlooked yet most creative storytelling. With dragons and sand sorcerers, sea monsters and hobbits, knights and dwarves, this collection contains all the classic elements for Tolkien buffs of all ages.

About the author(s)

J.R.R. Tolkien (1892–1973) was a distinguished academic, though he is best known for writing The HobbitThe Lord of the Rings, and The Silmarillion, plus other stories and essays. His books have been translated into over sixty languages and have sold many millions of copies worldwide.


“Easily the most intriguing piece in the book is Tolkien’s famous essay ‘On Fairy Stories,’ in which he lays out his beliefs about creating ‘secondary worlds’ and explores the history, power and importance of stories some demean as ‘escapist.’…Tales From the Perilous Realm…reveals intriguing, little-known facets of Tolkien’s vast imagination.” –Daily Camera (Boulder)    —

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