The 30-Day Keto Plan

Ketogenic Meal Plans to Kick Your Sugar Habit and Make Your Gut a Fat-Burning Machine


Kick your sugar habit, lose weight, and feel amazing in just one month! Plus, enjoy tactics for success to live your best keto life sustainably after the 30-day mark.

The ketogenic diet, which promotes weight loss from being in the metabolic state of ketosis, is one of the most popular and effective diet plans in recent years. And it continues to grow in popularity as people across the country are learning more and more about it. However, there is conflicting research regarding the safety of consuming unlimited amounts of items such as bacon, cheese, fatty cuts of meats, and fried pork rinds. A large percentage of Keto dieters find the 70–80 percent fat intake requirement unsustainable, and even worrisome due to potential health implications. Many people are curious about the Keto lifestyle, given the weight loss results they hear about from others, but will not attempt the diet as the fat intake requirement sounds daunting! 

The 30-Day Keto Plan provides a detailed system to help readers lose weight and see blood sugar level improvements in just one month. With emphasis on the healthiest fats and cleaner ketogenic foods, readers will benefit from detailed grocery lists, and meal plans, macro-nutrient charts, and categorized fats, carbohydrates, and proteins which are most beneficial for the healthiest keto plan.

Nutritionists and authors Aimee and Richard instruct readers on exactly what to eat for four weeks to achieve ketosis, weight loss, and overall health improvements, without requiring exercise. In just thirty days, readers will learn how to achieve freedom from sugar and the processed food lifestyle, and they will kick-start their weight loss goals. It is very common for keto dieters to see dramatic results, only to regress and regain the lost weight once they are no longer following the ketogenic regimen. This book provides a formal and sustainable program for the post-ketosis stage, which will yield positive long-term results and assist in maintaining life-long health and wellness.

About the author(s)

Aimee Aristotelous, co-author of The Eat to Keep Fit Diet, is a certified nutritionist, specializing in prenatal dietetics. She provides weekly fitness and nutrition tips to her 22,000 Facebook followers and has been the exclusive nutritionist for NBC affiliate KSEE 24 News in Fresno, California, appearing in over 50 nutrition and cooking segments. As a new mother, Aimee was able to use her own pregnancy as a platform to apply her educational background and research, which resulted in an optimally healthy, active, and ideal pregnancy. During her pregnancy, she was hired by the company “Belly Bandit” to model a line of their pregnancy lingerie. In addition to her Nutrition and Wellness certification through American Fitness Professionals and Associates, Aimee has a bachelor’s degree in business/marketing from California State University, Long Beach. She has nine years of professional marketing experience for a large, private California-based company. Aimee enjoys the beach, cooking, and traveling, and resides with her husband and son in San Juan Capistrano, California.


Praise for Aimee's previous books

"Almost Keto is a great option for someone who needs to take control of their health. It's a way of life that includes tasty, convenient, and diverse food options to help you make and maintain positive physiological outcomes." —Laura Kunces, PhD and registered dietician

"I plan to implement Almost Keto as my nutritional handbook to optimal health and wellness in my practice. My colleagues and I have been teaching the same nutritional principles for decades." —Val Manocchio, MD, CEO of Doctors Best Wellness

"Almost Keto is an excellent resource for those seeking a healthier approach to the keto diet. With its focus on whole foods and moderation, this book turns what is otherwise a short-term diet into a viable long-term lifestyle. I appreciate that the science in it is so comprehensive, yet is simplified enough to be accessible for those not in the nutrition field." —Ariane Resnick, CNC, chef & bestselling author

Praise for Aimee Aristotelous's The Whole Pregnancy: A Complete Nutrition Plan for Gluten-Free Moms to Be​

“This is a comprehensive guide to being as healthy as possible during pregnancy while optimizing the nutrition needed by a growing brain. Time and again, we see the removal of gluten from one's diet enhance the wellbeing of parents and children alike—I couldn’t recommend following Aimee’s guide any more strongly. It’s the only one you need during your pregnancy.” —J.B. Handley, cofounder of Generation Rescue

“A wealth of research and knowledge of nutrition is presented here, in a clear and informative guide focusing on natural unprocessed foods, complete with mouthwatering recipes and meal plans that are easy to follow. What a fantastic resource for women striving to equip themselves with invaluable knowledge of how to best nourish their bodies to the optimal level for both themselves and their babies—not just prenatally, but also through pregnancy and the postpartum period.” —Lisa Edlund, CNS, RNDIV1, RM

"Aimee combines healthful recipes with a user friendly, comprehensive guide to eating better for both you and your baby; I wish this book existed when I was first working with clients on fertility, pregnancy, and breastfeeding!" —Ariane Resnick, CNC, chef and author of The Bone Broth Miracle

"The Whole Pregnancy answers common questions and concerns with an updated and more mindful approach! Aimee's book speaks to those who realize that food should be one's medicine, as it plays the most important role in prenatal development." —Alexandra Maw, founder of Kaleidoscope Juice

“Aimee has always been so inquisitive and determined, with complete focus, passion for wellness, and overall trust in her body. Her persistence and knowledge shines through in her everyday life and through this incredible book. I'm eager to share this resource with all of my pregnant & postpartum clients!” —Lauren Jacobs, doula and owner of Doulas of Orange County

"Aimee does a great job of taking a complex subject and making it easy—and fun—to read, comprehend, and most importantly, follow. The recipes look so delicious that the whole family will enjoy them, not just the one who is pregnant!" —Kendra Whitmire, MS, nutritionist at Sunshine Nutrition & Wellness

“All I can say is FINALLY a book about having a successful and nutritious, gluten-free pregnancy! I was soaking up every word while feeling empowered and educated about the whole process. Aimee put me at ease with her no-stress meal plans and knowledge about what is best for the baby. I know I will be using this as my pregnancy guide and I highly encourage people to pick up a copy of this book even before they are pregnant, as these principals can be easily applied to everyday eating!” —Emily Turner, gluten-free private and personal chef; creator of Gluten Free With Emily

"Aimee’s attention to detail when it comes to nutrition education is spot on, and her recipes are delicious—whether you are following a gluten-free diet or not. This book helps you to understand what foods and supplements you and your baby need to ensure a healthy pregnancy. Pregnancy should be a joyful time in our life, but worrying about what to eat could be tiresome! Aimee takes the guesswork away and allows you to do what you do best: grow new life. Anyone expecting should add The Whole Pregnancy to their pregnancy book collection." —Andrea Donsky, holistic nutritionist, author of Unjunk Your Junk Food

The Whole Pregnancy is an essential primer for women before, during, and after pregnancy. The easy-to-follow format offers practical advice, helpful charts, and doable recipes for eating foods that are nutrient-dense to support both mom and baby. It is the perfect gift for an expecting mother!” —Cynthia Spivey, author of How to Eat Paleo (When You Don't Live in a Cave)

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