
the disappearance of Jaidyn Leskie has captivated the nation for a decade. Babysitter Greg Domaszewicz was charged with killing the child, his girlfriend's son, and throwing the body in a lake. One court acquitted him of the crime and another said he had disposed of the body: so who did kill Jaidyn? this new, updated edition contains interviews with Jaidyn's parents, Domaszewicz's former lover and friends, and the full statements of prisoners who claimed Greg had confessed to the crime. Author Michael Gleeson was granted extensive access to police files to help pull together the threads of a tangled story and navigate a path through the maze of possibilities that came to light during the case.

About the author(s)

Michael Gleeson is a senior sports writer at the Herald Sun. He also wrote the 2001 edition of the AFL Yearbook. He supports Collingwood.

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