
• 2022 Nautilus Silver Award

• Award Winner in the Spirituality: General category of the 2021 Best Book Awards sponsored by American Book Fest

• Explains how Mary was born into a lineage of powerful women who cultivated and passed on the ability to consciously conceive elevated beings

• Includes a complete translation of the Infancy Gospel of James and reveals the hidden codes it contains relating to the practice of miraculous conception

• Shows how Mary was trained and initiated in the “womb mysteries” and reveals the esoteric techniques she used to conceive Jesus

Delving into one of the Virgin Mary’s forgotten gospels, the Infancy Gospel of James, Marguerite Mary Rigoglioso, Ph.D., reveals a truth that has been suppressed for nearly two millennia: that Mother Mary was not a passive bystander to her own pregnancy but an advanced member of a sacred order of women trained in divine conception.

Unlocking the hidden codes of Mary’s gospel and other ancient source texts, the author reveals how Mary conceived Jesus through a careful process that she willed and initiated. She explains how Mary was born into a family of powerful priestesses, women who possessed, cultivated, and passed on the ability to consciously conceive elevated beings to help the planet. This lineage included Mary’s own mother, Anne, who conceived Mary with this method, her relative Elizabeth (mother of John the Baptist), and the biblical matriarch Sarah, the wife of Abraham and mother of Isaac. These women were schooled in the shamanic “womb mysteries,” secret knowledge of the capacity of the womb. Decoding the Infancy Gospel of James, the author shows how Mary was trained and initiated, reveals the esoteric techniques she used to conceive Jesus, and explores the birth itself and the mind-altering reality that accompanied it.

By revealing the Virgin Mary as a trained holy woman and a conscious actor in the conception of Jesus, the author corrects the impression we have been given of a passive and bewildered girl who had no idea how or why she was pregnant. She also restores Mary as the empowered feminine orchestrator of these significant events, paralleling the redemption of Mary Magdalene in recent years. Explaining how and why virgin birth was accomplished, this book allows us to make sense of miraculous conception and reveals the power that lies in all women’s wombs.

About the author(s)

Marguerite Mary Rigoglioso, Ph.D., is the founder of Seven Sisters Mystery School, a world-renowned teacher of sacred knowledge, and the foremost authority on the history of virgin birth. A trusted mentor to people on healing and spiritual paths, she draws on her decades-long research and experiences with Mother Mary and Mary Magdalene to help uncover their hidden, timeless teachings and apply them to our present-day needs. The award-winning author of several books, she lives in western Massachusetts.


“Marguerite Rigoglioso is a holy conduit who proclaims a message so timely, so graceful, and so filled with truth that my hands tremble as I pick up this book. It is about time the prestige and wisdom of Mother Mary are seen and acknowledged in the devastation of an institution that gave her nothing more than the appearance of a passive spectator. These pages are soaked with Her presence, offering us a generosity that comes freely and touches deeply. The Mystery Tradition of Miraculous Conception is a body of work that reveals the real Mary, one who lived before the church and sure as heaven shall live on after the church.”

“With exquisite clarity and impeccable scholarship, Rigoglioso details the ancient, historical tradition from which Mary sprang, which culminated in Her conscious decision to bring forth into the world an elevated being. Fascinating insights into the many priestess traditions that were widely practiced throughout the ancient Mediterranean infuse every page. Rigoglioso illuminates for modern audiences the essence of the esoteric teachings of and about Mary and other holy women, and what they mean for us today.”

“An opus for our times based on the re-birthing of who Mother Mary really was. Through scholarly research, together with deep spiritual wisdom, Rigoglioso shares with us the power and intentionality behind the divine conception of Jesus. This book is ablaze with a rising revolution of Mother Mary and the tribe of women who supported her over generations. It gives a fresh look at who she really was, her amazing spiritual prowess, and how she serves as a beacon to all humankind, giving us a deeper view of what it means to embody the Divine Feminine.”

“Teacher, priestess, and scholar Marguerite Rigoglioso has produced another compelling study of the history of miraculous conception. The focus of her carefully researched, eloquent new book shifts from her earlier work on classical antiquity to the Judeo-Christian tradition and invites us to perceive the Virgin Mary as an embodiment of the Divine Feminine accessible to us today in our own spiritual lives. Reading this powerful book is an inspiring and transformative experience.”

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