
Anti-white racism, undisguised and unembarrassed, is now official policy in America.

One class of citizens—whites—is openly discriminated against in every sphere of public and private life. The Unprotected Class is a comprehensive explanation of how we got here and what we must do to correct a manifest—and dangerous—injustice.

Launched with an appeal to justice for all, the civil rights movement went off the rails even as it achieved its original goals. Soon its excesses and failures were exploited to justify discrimination against whites in business, education, law, entertainment, and even the church. With the death of George Floyd and the shedding of all pretense of racial justice, vindictiveness, resentment, and hatred were unleashed in America.

About the author(s)

JEREMY CARL, a former Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Interior, is a Senior Fellow at the Claremont Institute, where his primary focus is on multiculturalism, nationalism, race relations, and immigration. His writing and has been featured in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Time, National Review, Politico, the Economist, and other leading newspapers and magazines. A graduate of Yale University and the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard, he lives in Montana with his wife and children.



Praise for The Unprotected Class: 

“In a country where being racist is the ultimate sin, how has our ruling class gotten away with attacking the majority of Americans on the basis of their race? And what exactly is the purpose of anti-white hate? The answer is scary, and this outstanding book explains.”—Tucker Carlson

“A prescient, landmark book that finally calls out those who for far too long have claimed victimhood even as they fueled a toxic brand of tribal chauvinism.”—Victor Davis Hanson, Senior Fellow, The Hoover Institution, Stanford University, and author of The Dying Citizen  

“Jeremy Carl bravely exposes, documents, and names the racialist ideology that is tearing America apart…A must-read as America enters a pivotal phase of the Culture War.”—Christopher Rufo, Senior Fellow, the Manhattan Institute, and author of America’s Cultural Revolution 

“A stunning work of exceedingly rare bravery, and indeed of patriotism. Jeremy Carl tells urgent truths that until now, few if any intellectuals of his stature have had the courage to say.”—Rod Dreher, author of Live Not by Lies 

“There is a pathological war on white people in America. It’s time decent people wake up and fight against it. Read this book to figure out how.”—Charlie Kirk, Founder and President, Turning Point USA 

“There are few greater taboos in public discourse than using the word ‘white’ non-pejoratively. Jeremy Carl explains this taboo—and breaks it, in the hope of saving the U.S. from a future of ever-worsening race relations.”—Heather Mac Donald, author of When Race Trumps Merit 

“What a great book! The Unprotected Class demolishes the false narratives about race that have captured many American institutions and provides essential intellectual ammunition to refute such lies.”—Peter Kirsanow, Commissioner, United States Commission on Civil Rights 

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