
In The Virtue of Prosperity, Dinesh D'Souza examines the spiritual and social crisis spawned by the new economy and new technologies of the last ten years. D'Souza questions the basic premise of the American dream that prosperity and "progress" will better the human condition. Anchored in history, rich in anecdote, and supported by state-of-the-art data, The Virtue of Prosperity is a tough-minded critique of our high-tech culture, with a surprising prescription for doing well and doing good.

About the author(s)

DINESH D'SOUZA has had a prominent career as a writer, scholar, public intellectual, and filmmaker. Born in India, D’Souza came to the U.S. as an exchange student at the age of 17 and graduated Phi Beta Kappa from Dartmouth College. The author of many bestselling books including America, The Big LieDeath of a Nation, and United States of Socialism, he is also the creator of three of the top ten highest-grossing political documentaries ever made.


Rich Karlgaard Forbes magazine A work that reveals the pursuit of wealth through capitalism as morally edifying, even if never perfect.

Michael Lewis author of The New New Thing An intellectual journey into the soul of technological capitalism...Raises profound questions and offers provocative answers.

Daniel Silver The Wall Street Journal D'Souza asks the right questions about the new prosperity.