The Widow of Red Lion Row

She'll Do Just About Anything to Survive in a Man's World


In the slums of London, she'll do almost anything to survive ...

London, 1810. Margaret Forsythe never expected to become a condom maker. But she is a widow, and due to her late husband's careless will, she has lost everything. Now she has been exiled to the filth of Southwark, with no money or means of survival.

Never again will she be beholden to a man. But when her situation becomes dire, she has little choice but to throw herself on the mercy of the dangerously handsome brothel owner, Charles Grimsby.

Charles's prostitutes need condoms (or 'johnny caps') to avoid venereal disease - and so, torn between morality and poverty, Margaret begins to manufacture them, using animal gut and ribbons. Will this new enterprise be her salvation, or her ultimate ruin?

About the author(s)

Viveka Portman is an author of romantic erotic fiction, and has a fascination about times past. With a bachelor degree in anthropology, Viveka weaves historical fact into fiction to create lively, realistic and thrilling tales, sure to titillate and engage the most discerning reader. Considered an upstanding member of society, Viveka does not make a habit of eavesdropping, gossiping or making vulgar displays of impropriety - except, that is, in writing.


'A lot of researchwent into the writing of this book and it shows. I enjoyed it very much.' NetGalley review

'The plot intrigued meand the writing engaged me' NetGalley review

'Interesting story.What an eye opener once again to hear how difficult life was for a women inthat time period' NetGalley review

'I couldn't put thisstory down' NetGalley review

'This story is wellresearched and the imagery is excellent. With believable characters, wellwritten intimate scenes and a plot that rolls from joyful highs to scenes ofunimaginable hardship and back, this book kept me on tenterhooks throughout.' NetGalley review