
Going for a walk is no longer just for the dogs! Experienced cat owner Clifford Brooks is here to teach you and your cat how to enjoy a stroll together. Cats are naturally adventurous creatures, and with the help of a leash and Brooks’s tips, you can indulge those instincts with a sense of security. As any animal trainer will tell you, the magic is in your attitude and sensitivity to your kitty’s needs and subtle reactions to new things. With that in mind, Brooks encourages cat owners to embrace Zen meditation as the foundation for leash training. Benefitting both you and your furry friend, practicing mediation will:

  • • Provide a calm atmosphere in which to learn an enjoyable skill and explore new environments together.
  • • Foster a positive energy between the two of you.
  • • Cultivate patience and appreciation for simple accomplishments.
  • With step-by-step instructions, meditation guidance, and interviews with other successful cat walkers, you’ll learn how cat walking can have a healthy impact on your life and the life of your feline companion. Essentially, you will become a more sensitive cat owner, able to detect when your own presence is affecting your cat’s behavior. Combining a practical skill with a thoughtful approach, Brooks’s advice will do wonders for the time you spend together.


    "A person can seriously become injured, and look pretty darn silly, if they attempt to "walk" their cat. I would caution that a person not attempt to do such a careless act without the strict guidance of Clifford Brooks. Clifford is the only person I know, and trust, to safely accomplish this feat, pun intended."—Jeff Lazarus, author of Dogotology: Live.Bark.Believe and Catakism: Bow to the Meow

    "A person can seriously become injured, and look pretty darn silly, if they attempt to "walk" their cat. I would caution that a person not attempt to do such a careless act without the strict guidance of Clifford Brooks. Clifford is the only person I know, and trust, to safely accomplish this feat, pun intended."—Jeff Lazarus, author of Dogotology: Live.Bark.Believe and Catakism: Bow to the Meow

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