Voluntary Simplicity Second Revised Edition

Toward a Way of Life That Is Outwardly Simple, Inwardly Rich


“A manifesto for the only kind of future that promises sanity and the possibility of contentment. Bread and wine for the spirit.” —Sam Keen, author of Fire in the Belly


Originally published in 1981 and hailed as the “bible” of the simplicity movement by The Wall Street Journal, Duane Elgin’s classic Voluntary Simplicity has been completely revised for our modern times. Elgin, who was honored in 2009 by The Ecologist, the U.K.’s leading environmental magazine, as one of ten important “visionaries,” offers a path “Toward a Way of Life That is Outwardly Simple, Inwardly Rich.” Voluntary Simplicity has already changed the lives of thousands of people. This new edition will profoundly influence countless more with its powerful, timely message of balance, frugality, and ecological awareness.

About the author(s)

Duane Elgin is an internationally recognized speaker and author. His books include The Living Universe, Promise Ahead, and Awakening Earth. In 2006, he received the international Goi Peace Award in recognition of his contribution to a global "vision, consciousness, and lifestyle" that fosters a "more sustainable and spiritual culture." He lives in the San Francisco Bay Area.

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