
AMBITIOUS II is a motivating, eye-opening venture to explore the inhibiting areas of fear, anxiety, and doubt. 

You will relate right away. Written from Likewise's vantage point and interspersed with his pivotal episodes, his knowledge, groundbreaking methods, and sincere eagerness to assist the readers shine brilliantly throughout the pages.

This timely book is choc-full of original concepts, terms, and tips. Find out how to transform from a "negative noggin" to a "positive processor." Discover your personality type: are you "smooth-wired," "lightning-wired," or a "smooth-lightning wired" dynamo? Ultimately, you will learn how to successfully rewire and fly higher!

About the author(s)

Likewise, nee Alex Thomas, is originally from North Carolina and is a successful model and entertainer in Pensacola, FL who has learned to overcome the many challenges he has faced his entire life. Despite being one of 16 children born into a poor but loving family and struggling with Dyslexia and other learning disabilities, he was able to overcome every obstacle. Coupled with a love of music and dancing, he has had his own dance studio, has competed in body building competitions, graduated from Culinary Arts training, and enjoys entertaining in nursing homes. However, it's not what he has accomplished in life but who he has become that is the true triumph!

More Self-Esteem

More Personal Growth

More Self-help