
In Matthew 10:16, Christ advised His Apostles to be "wise" and "innocent" as they go out "in the midst of wolves." This book shows Christians how to be wise and innocent as they work among people who sometimes behave like wolves. Temptation, greed, dishonesty, and misguided ambition have always presented challenges for Christians in the workplace. Add secular bias, political correctness, and persecution to the mix, and the modern workplace becomes a foreboding environment for Christians to navigate. This is so much the case, many Christians wonder if it is still possible to earn a living without compromising their faith. 

Christians on the Job does more than demonstrate that Christians can stand firm when confronted with faith-related dilemmas in the workplace. It also demonstrates how to go about it. Using concepts illustrated with real-life examples, steps to implement in specific situations, life application questions, and resources for going deeper, Dr. Goetsch draws a clear map to ensure Christians can find their way and thrive on the job. 


With fifteen years of experience in student ministry, I can attest that Christians on the Job is an outstanding resource and must be read by young Christians starting new jobs as well as experienced professionals to help combat the less than tolerant who have declared open season on Christians.”

Sean Aland

Dr. Goetsch’s new book clearly demonstrates that for Christians on the job it is better to be biblically correct than politically correct. His proven, practical advice should be put to use by Christians in all of America’s workplaces.

Jennie Jones

This outstanding new book, Christians on the Job, is a practical 'how-to' that every Christian involved in the workplace should read. The work ethic advocated by Dr. Goetsch is at the heart of everything we do, serving our guests with excellence. A must-read for employers and employees alike!

Robb Schiefer

Political correctness has taught Americans to tolerate anything but Christianity. Dr. Goetsch’s superb new book, Christians on the Job, shows Christians how to work in a politically correct environment and win.

Archie Jones, Ph.D.

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