
A stunning return to Arkham Horror when a movie director shoots his silent horror masterpiece in eerie Arkham, capturing crawling nightmares instead of moving pictures, in this chilling novel of creeping dread

Hollywood make-up artist and costumier, Jeany Lin, travels to Arkham to work on the new “nightmare movie” by enigmatic director Sydney Fitzmaurice. The star is her sister, Renee Love, Sydney’s collaborator and lover. Desperate to outdo the thrills and terror of Lon Chaney’s popular pictures, Sydney prepares occult-infused dream sequences for Love and her co-stars to perform. But there’s more than mere imagery at play as the cast suffer recurring nightmares, accidents, and impossible waking visions. When events take a sinister turn and people start dying on set, it’s up to Jeany to unmask the monsters before Sydney’s obsessions doom them all.

About the author(s)

ROSEMARY JONES is the author of the Arkham Horror novels Mask of Silver, The Deadly Grimoire, and The Bootlegger’s Dance. She is an ardent collector of children’s books, and a fan of talkies and silent movies. Her other works include Wrecker of Engines (Cobalt City 20th Anniversary edition), Dungeons & Dragons’ Forgotten Realms novels, numerous novellas, short stories, and collaborations.


“Pure entertainment… Jones takes stereotypes and turns them on their ear.”

Fantasy Debut

"Chilling, horrifying and thought-provoking in equal measure, Mask of Silver is a superlative piece of Arkham Horror fiction from Rosemary Jones, and is perhaps one of the best titles in the setting yet published by Aconyte Books."

Sci-Fi and Fantasy Reviewer

"If you enjoy well-researched historical fiction and horror that is more about creepiness and something awful lurking nearby, you’ll enjoy Mask of Silver. Fans of Arkham Horror and other Lovecraftiana will also enjoy this clever twist on one of the mainstays of the Mythos."

History That Never Was

"Absolutely gripping... I absolutely do recommend this, for the mood of Golden Age silent movies combined with ancient unknowable evils. Magic of all kinds, and regular folks trying to survive in many ways. I loved Mask of Silver, and am very much looking forward to the next title in this excellent series."

The Catbox