
Who Are the Mormons?

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints:

  • Has over 12.5 million members worldwide and is one of the fastest-growing and most centrally controlled U.S.-based religions
  • Is by far the richest religion in the United States per capita, with $25 to $30 billion in estimated assets and $5 to $6 billion more in estimated annual income
  • Boasts such influential members as Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and presidential candidate Mitt Romney

About the author(s)

Richard N. Ostling, a religion writer for the Associated Press, was formerly senior correspondent for Time magazine, where he wrote twenty-three cover stories and was the religion writer for many years. He has also covered religion for the CBS Radio Network and the NewsHour with Jim Lehrer on PBS-TV.

Joan K. Ostling, a freelance writer and editor, was formerly a writer and editor for the U.S. Information Agency in Washington, D.C., a reporter for the Press Publications newspaper chain in Chicago, and an English and journalism professor.

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