
Best-selling author Richard J. Foster offers a warm, compelling, and sensitive primer on prayer, helping us to understand, experience, and practice it in its many forms-from the simple prayer of beginning again to unceasing prayer. He clarifies the prayer process, answers common misconceptions, and shows the way into prayers of contemplation, healing, blessing, forgiveness, and rest.

Coming to prayer is like coming home, Foster says. "Nothing feels more right, more like what we are created to be and to do. Yet at the same time we are confronted with great mysteries. Who hasn't struggled with the puzzle of unanswered prayer? Who hasn't wondered how a finite person can commune with the infinite Creator of the universe? Who hasn't questioned whether prayer isn't merely psychological manipulation after all? We do our best, of course, to answer these knotty questions but when all is said and done, there is a sense in which these mysteries remain unanswered and unanswerable . . . At such times we must learn to become comfortable with the mystery."

Foster shows how prayer can move us inward into personal transformation, upward toward intimacy with God, and outward to minister to others. He leads us beyond questions to a deeper understanding and practice of prayer, bringing us closer to God, to ourselves, and to our community.

About the author(s)

Richard J. Foster is the author of several bestselling books, including Celebration of Discipline, Streams of Living Water, Life with God, and Prayer, which was Christianity Today's Book of the Year and the winner of the Gold Medallion Award from the Evangelical Christian Publishers Association. He is the founder of Renovaré, an organization and a movement committed to the renewal of the church of Jesus Christ in all its multifaceted expressions, and the editor of The Life with God Bible.


“This book is a rare gift... both a guide to prayer and an answer to one.” — John Ortberg, author of "If You Want to Walk on Water, You've Got to Get Out of the Boat"

“This book has helped me immensely in my struggles for spiritual vitality and depth.” — Tony Campolo, Professor of Sociology, Eastern University

“A master teaching on the Master Subject.” — Eugene H. Peterson, Professor Emeritus of Spiritual Theology, Regent College, Canada, and author of Answering God

“As one fairly fluent with words, I am hard-pressed to express the impact of this timeless classic on my life. Richard Foster’s book is invaluable now, but not quite as invaluable as it will be a hundred years from now.” — Brennan Manning, author of The Wisdom of Tenderness

“...takes the mystery out of prayer and returns it to the ordinary rhythms of life” — Robert Webber, Northern Baptist Theological Seminary

“Magnificent! ... carried us into communion with Christians of every century and denomination.” — Rev. John Loren Sandford and Rev. Paula A. Sandford, Co-Founders of Elijah House, Inc.

“You will not find a better guide. This is a landmark book.” — Dallas Willard, author of The Divine Conspiracy

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