
An initiatic novel based on ancient teachings and astrological wisdom from bestselling author Barbara Hand Clow

A debut novel from bestselling author Barbara Hand Clow

• An intricately layered erotic thriller that reveals esoteric teachings on prophecy, power, ritual, and divination

• Includes dramatic insights into the suppressed discoveries of the first Christian heretics and secret power rituals at work in the Vatican

• From the author of The Pleiadian Agenda and The Mayan Code

In her debut as a novelist, bestselling author and acclaimed spiritual teacher Barbara Hand Clow weaves an erotically charged story of romance, deep earth forces, psychic powers, aristocracy, and Vatican world control centered on an ancient ruby that inspires mystical visions.

Set in Rome in 2012, the story follows Sarah Adamson, a beautiful young Catholic graduate student from Boston studying at the Vatican Library for her thesis on the first Christian heretic, Marcion of Pontus. She is being courted by two utterly different men: Simon Appel, a descendent of the kabbalist Isaac Luria who covers Vatican affairs for the New York Times, and Armando Pierleoni, the heir to an ancient Italian aristocratic family with strong ties to the Vatican. After a terrible encounter with the dark side at a castle in Tuscany, Sarah is given a ring set with a ruby crystal, a powerful stone that was once the third eye of an ancient Buddha statue in Nepal.

With the mystic ring on her finger, Sarah’s visionary abilities are ignited. She remembers her past life as the Sibyl of Cumae, a Roman oracle whose powers are now being channeled by the Vatican to maintain world control. As Sarah’s research and visions reveal the cause of evil in the Church and Simon’s reporting exposes the depth of the sexual abuse scandals surrounding the Vatican, the two form an alliance with an ex-lover of both Simon and Armando, Claudia, who describes secret priestly power rituals going on in Vatican City.

As the heightened energies of the winter solstice of 2012 arrive and 2013 dawns, will Simon and Sarah be able to harness their divine powers for transformation? Will the Vatican seek new direction as it elects a new pope? Revealing the very nature of how evil gets into the world, this novel of romance, mystery, heresy, and spirituality uncovers the esoteric foundations for the emergence of a golden new age.

About the author(s)

Barbara Hand Clow is an internationally acclaimed ceremonial teacher, author, and Mayan Calendar researcher. Her numerous books include The Pleiadian Agenda, Alchemy of Nine Dimensions, Awakening the Planetary Mind, Astrology and the Rising of Kundalini, and The Mayan Code. She has taught at sacred sites throughout the world and maintains an astrological web site,


“Barbara Hand Clow has chosen a romance-style genre of fiction to take the reader deep into the hidden history, and profoundly disturbing practices, of the religious power center of the planet--the Vatican. With Hand Clow’s usual impeccable level of research and profound personal insights, Revelations of the Ruby Crystal reminds us that we have entered a time of awakening from a deep trance induced by the Church and other power structures around us. I look forward to a sequel!”

“This book draws you in from the very first page with believable characters, stimulating interactions, and compelling subject matter. Truly a superb novel for everyone interested in the origins of civilization and the mysteries of the universe, and this is just the beginning! Make way for a powerful new literary saga in your life!”

“In the midst of this irresistible novel, Barbara Hand Clow weaves very real stories of the scandalous inner workings of the Vatican. Her inclusion of accurate information about the deep-seated sexual abuse issue, the corrupt power plays, and the equally corrupt churchmen who have sustained it only adds to the fascination of the main storyline.”

“Barbara has done it again. She has given readers a great gift with this book. Revelations of the Ruby Crystal reveals her mastery of the written word. This book is a doorway into another place filled with great truths, relevant knowledge, and modern-day mysticism. The synchronistic magic she weaves within her characters’ adventures, and the love story that evolves between them, is an example of the full bloom of human potential.”

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