
For any woman who feels burned out, beaten down, or like she might break under the pressure, third-degree black belt and motivational coach of ABC's My Diet Is Better Than Yours teaches a unique brand of badassery--how to get back up no matter what life throws at you; how to level up your mind, body and spirit; and how to turn your setbacks into secret weapons.

Jennifer Cassetta is a nationally recognized keynote speaker, health and empowerment coach, and a 3rd-degree black belt in Hapkido.  After a brush with death on September 11th, 2001, three blocks south of the World Trade Center, and then fending off an attacker late one night months later, Jenn took a deep dive into martial arts training where she learned how to harness the power of mind, body, and spirit.

Now she teaches women from colleges to corporations how to unleash their inner badass by using dojo wisdom as a metaphor for life. 

Whether the opponent is a financial hardship, a difficult boss, or being in a manipulative relationship, Cassetta teaches readers how to flex their mental muscle, how to rise above fears, and how to turn setbacks into superpowers.

Through thought-provoking exercises and no-holds-barred humor, she shows women how to close the door on blame and shame; how to grow from their Greatest (S)Hits List of life disappointments; and how to disarm and defend against the blocks that hold them back.

In life--just like in martial arts--we get pushed and pulled and kicked down. We get banged up and bruised and stretched to our limits. Cassetta champions women that while they may bend, they will not break, and that they have the power within them to rise up and stand tall.

Chapter 1: WHITE BELT: Embrace the Suck

Chapter 2: YELLOW BELT: Bounce Back

Chapter 3: ORANGE BELT: Block the Bullshit

Chapter 4: GREEN BELT: Find Your Roar

Chapter 5: BLUE BELT: Elevate Your Energy

Chapter 6: RED BELT: Connect with Your Warrior Within

Chapter 7: BLACK BELT: Take the Lead



About the author(s)

Jennifer Cassetta is a nationally recognized motivational speaker and health and empowerment coach with a third degree black belt in Hapkido and a master’s degree in nutrition. Over the past two decades, she has helped people to feel strong, safe, and powerful from the streets to the boardroom. Her keynotes and trainings have helped tens of thousands of women tap into their innate power, speak up against predatory behavior, and level up their mind, body, and spiritual wellbeing.

From teaching Carrie Fisher self-defense on The Today Show to being a featured weight loss expert on ABC-TV's My Diet is Better Than Yours, Jenn brings a unique passion plus practical tips for self-defense, optimal mental and physical health, and personal badassery.


"Jenn goes beyond showing women how to feel empowered. She shows them how to take action toward protecting their peace and their power. must-read, especially if you want to enhance your ability to be your own superhero."

—Shaun T, fitness motivator

“Jennifer Cassetta is the master teacher of The Art of Badassery. This book is an empowering and inspiring step-by-step (or rather, belt-by-belt) guide to help you unleash your inner warrior and kick-start the black belt journey to your highest ambitions.”

—Kara Richardson Whitely, author of Gorge: My Journey Up Kilimanjaro at 300 Pounds 

 “There are books that talk about speaking up, unleashing your inner badass, and reclaiming your power, and then there are books that show you how to do it. The Art of Badassery shows you how to do it.”

—Jess Ekstrom, author, Chasing the Bright Side

“As a mother, working hard to raise an empowered daughter, I was able to add some much-needed tools to my tool belt because of this book. It is not enough for us to tell our girls to be strong, but to empower them mentally, verbally, and physically without hesitation! A must-read as we fight for the next generation of girls to come.”

—Katie Wilcox, founder and CEO of Natural Model Management

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