The Capitalist's Bible

The Essential Guide to Free Markets--and Why They Matter to You


The Capitalist’s Bible, edited by Gretchen Morgenson, an award-winning journalist with the New York Times, is the essential guide to capitalism and its many languages, customs, and practices. Including thinkers like Adam Smith, concepts like supply and demand, and developments like globalization, The Capitalist’s Bible is an essential primer that clarifies, informs, and answers all the questions that need to be addressed and fully understood in these difficult economic times.

About the author(s)

Gretchen Morgenson is an assistant business and financial editor and a columnist at the New York Times, where she has covered the world financial markets since 1998 and won the Pulitzer Prize for her "trenchant and incisive" coverage of Wall Street. Having worked as a stockbroker at Dean Witter Reynolds in the early 1980s, Morgenson lends her reporting a depth of knowledge and skepticism uncommon in financial journalism.


“The Capitalist’s Bible is well-suited for individual investors hoping to glean anything that might prove beneficial to their portfolios, but it’s also perfect for students or devotees of economics…[It] is an admirable competitor for the title of [the capitalist’s] greatest tool.” — Better Investing

“A timely and informative primer...Morgenson’s book is essential for all who want to improve their capitalism literacy.” — Library Journal

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