
What is the origin of the world and of life itself?

Did a series of accidents and evolution bring about the world as we know it?

Or is there a design and purpose behind it all?

And if there is a design, is there an ultimate designer?

A number of years ago, John Clayton, a second-generation atheist and respected scientist and teacher, set out to disprove the Bible from a scientific point of view. Instead, his six-year study brought him to a profound faith in the God of the Bible.

Now, in this highly informative and easy to understand book, John Clayton and Nils Jansma -- a geotechnical engineer and geologist -- present convincing evidence that the Bible and the facts of science agree. As the public moves away from a belief in God as Creator of our heaven and earth, it becomes imperative that all believers be well informed on this vital subject. This book will become a resource you will use again and again.

About the author(s)

John Clayton, a scientist and former second-generation atheist, came to believe in God while attempting to prove that the Bible contradicts known scientific facts. Instead of disproving the Bible, he found it to be absolutely reliable. An award-winning science teacher, Clayton has earned national prominence for his knowledge and skill in dealing with matters of faith and science. Today, Clayton travels the United States, sharing his message to university and church audiences.

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