
Marvel’s mutant heroes return when a remarkable student rushes to save his family but ends up in a whole heap of trouble, in this gripping Xavier’s Institute novel

Victor Borkowski – aka Anole – has adjusted well to life at Xavier’s Institute, gaining control over his reptilian mutant powers and the respect of his fellow students. However, when he discovers that his parents have been kidnapped by anti-mutant extremists, the Purifiers, Victor’s discipline and trust in the X-Men is strained to breaking point. Setting out alone in defiance of his instructors, he’s quickly in serious trouble. It isn’t just the fanatical Purifiers threatening his family, there’s a villainous scientist waiting to get hold of Victor himself. Maybe he can’t do this by himself after all…

About the author(s)

ROBBIE MACNIVEN is a Highlands-native History graduate from the University of Edinburgh. He is the author of several novels and many short stories for the New York Times-bestselling Warhammer 40,000 and Warhammer Age of Sigmar universe, and the narrative for HiRez Studio’s Smite Blitz RPG.


"Great character work is delivered over the course of a plot that starts off slowly, introducing characters, ideas and locations, then explodes into action and never lets up. MacNiven maintains a tone throughout that’s brilliantly appropriate to this world – First Team really does feel like an X-Men story pulled straight from the Marvel archive."

Track of Words

"I gave First Team five stars. Sometimes I thought there were too many gaps without action, but when the action occurred it was worth the wait."

Chris L. Owens

"This feels like Harry Potter, Superheroes, and the road-trip excitement of Percy Jackson and the Olympians, wrapped into one, and man was it engaging. I couldn’t put it down when I really got into the thick of it!"

Peyton F Writes

"Acceptance of those who are different has always been a big theme in X-Men stories, and I felt it was done really well here… I’d recommend giving this one a read."

The Story Board

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