
A reluctant trio are forced to investigate a mystery city, but in doing so find themselves fighting a demonic atrocity, in this staggering action novel set in the epic fantasy Descent games.

When three separate adventurers are hired to investigate the recent sealing of Thelgrim, the great Dunwarr dwarf city, all three have misgivings. One is a wanted criminal and the other two have no wish to work together – but when the money is this good, it’s hard to refuse. As the three head to Thelgrim by secret path, none of them know what awaits them. Terrinoth is in upheaval: new threats are rising, and this one comes from the dark.

About the author(s)

ROBBIE MACNIVEN is a Highlands-native History graduate from the University of Edinburgh. He is the author of several novels and many short stories for the New York Times-bestselling Warhammer 40,000 and Age of Sigmar universe, and the narrative for HiRez Studio’s Smite Blitz RPG.


“Expertly-written and populated with some of the most memorable characters in a fantasy novel that I’ve read in quite some time, and imbued with a bold, thought-provoking and often surprising narrative, with an emotionally powerful ending that’s akin to a fist in the gut.”

“A tight, fun little read that feels incredibly fresh. There’s almost no fat in the book with a plot that moves from point to point agilely… This utterly drips with comic book energy.”

"It may be obvious I’m an avid reader but I have to admit I got so lost in this that I may have stayed up a bit too late (or early depending how you look on it) on work nights to read ‘just one more chapter’."

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