
In this fantastic tale, legendary author Raymond E. Feist returns to the city of Krondor and one of his most loved characters from the Riftwar Cycle, Jimmy the Hand.

The Crawler: a name whispered in fear. . .

In the crime-ridden back alleys of Krondor a rival gang has sprung up to threaten the Upright Man’s Mockers. Does the Crawler control the rival gang? Where does his power come from? And does it threaten the peace of the Kingdom?

James, personal squire to Prince Arutha of Krondor, but in the underworld known as the thief and trickster Jimmy the Hand, must travel to Kesh in disguise. There, working with William, lieutenant of the prince’s household guard and son of the magician Pug, and Jazhara, niece to the Keshian lord Hazara-Khan, he must attempt to unmask the mysterious Crawler and rid Krondor of his influence.

About the author(s)

Raymond E. Feist is the author of more than thirty previous books, including the internationally bestselling “Riftwar Cycle” of novels set in his signature world of Midkemia, the Empire trilogy co-authored with Janny Wurts,  as well as a stand-alone novel, Faerie Tale. The Firemane Saga is his first all-new epic fantasy series. He lives in San Diego, California.


“A fittingly rip-roaring finale.” — Publishers Weekly on Master of Furies

“A delightful wrap-up to the epic saga.” — Booklist on Master of Furies

“This is a true hero’s journey. . . . I had unbelievably high expectations for Master of Furies and I’m so glad it lived up to them. With [Feist's] signature worldbuilding and masterful storytelling, this is sure to quench your epic fantasy thirst.” — Booktopia on Master of Furies

“Feist displays his mastery of epic fantasy in this impressive second installment to the Firemane Saga… Feist fans will recognize his hallmarks here—quiet moments of a common life interrupted by sweeping battles, and high seas journeys to distant continents. Fantasy readers of all sorts will appreciate his command of both subtle characterization and vast, panoramic story. This is a knockout.” — Publishers Weekly (starred review) on Queen of Storms

“Master storyteller Feist takes time to develop the complex relationships among his many characters as he continues to expand the world in the second epic book of the Firemane series.” — Booklist on Queen of Storms