
Abandon your treasured delusions and hit the road with one of the most important Zen masters of twentieth-century Japan.

Eschewing the entrapments of vanity, power, and money, "Homeless" Kodo Sawaki Roshi refused to accept a permanent position as a temple abbot, despite repeated offers. Instead, he lived a traveling, "homeless" life, going from temple to temple, student to student, teaching and instructing and never allowing himself to stray from his chosen path. He is responsible for making Soto Zen available to the common people outside of monasteries.

His teachings are short, sharp, and powerful. Always clear, often funny, and sometimes uncomfortably close to home, they jolt us into awakening.

Kosho Uchiyama expands and explains his teacher's wisdom with his commentary. Trained in Western philosophy, he draws parallels between Zen teachings and the Bible, Descartes, and Pascal. Shohaku Okumura has also added his own commentary, grounding his teachers’ power and sagacity for the contemporary, Western practitioner.

Experience the timeless, practical wisdom of three generations of Zen masters.


"Sawaki Roshi's profound and simple Dharma expression comes from the depth of his empty, open heart, like the light of the sun or the flow of a river, pure and unhindered, touching and awakening that same place in ourselves."

Mel Weitsman, founder of Berkeley Zen Center

"Provides pure, rich examples of living the Buddha Way by three renowned contemporary Zen practitioners. Filled with glimpses into their daily lives, it is replete with teachings that directly point to letting go of confusion and wholeheartedly living our actual lives."

Steve Hagen, author of Buddhism Plain & Simple

"Clear and conversational. The variety among the three voices encourages the emergence of a fourth: yours, as you browse and come back again and again."

Jisho Warner, founder of Stone Creek Zen Center

"A wonderful opportunity to catch a glimpse of a vibrant lineage in action and an invaluable contribution to all schools of meditative living."

Larry Rosenberg, author of Breath by Breath

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