
Viewed across an astonishing and colorful spectrum of landscapes, the members of the global youth community are all at first remarkably similar—living, breathing genetic containers of cultural instincts and quirky characteristics. Only as they start to blossom into special individuals can we see their lives slowly drifting down the strikingly different paths that geographical limitations, social circumstances, and serendipitous luck allow. Award-winning travel photographer Peter Guttman showcases an eye-popping collection of the global community of young people, reaching locations such as:

Rijal Al Maa, Saudi Arabia
Tanga Ssugo, Burkina Faso
Bucovina, Romania
Port Louis, Mauritius
Kotaka, Mali
Change Island, Newfoundland
Western Highlands, Papua New Guinea
Turpan, China

Witnessing these subjects’ journey of wondrous growth provides powerful instruction from which we can all evolve. Only those who can empathetically harness the youthful passion and energy of children and are spurred by their curiosity, sparked by their creativity, and inspired by their imagination will most capably build a superior, more compassionate, and effective world.

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