
This one-stop practical guide will show you how to get your body back on track. To make your progress easier, it comes in a handy format with colour photos and expert advice throughout.

Alcohol, cigarettes, caffeine, sugar, salt, wheat and dairy as well as pollution inside and out are all toxins and can wear your body down after a while.

When you have a toxin overload, your body has to work extra hard to maintain its natural health, and this can materialise into illnesses that won’t go away, bloatedness, and general weariness.

This book explains the science behind detoxing and how to achieve a successful detox which is right for you. The guide includes:

1. What is detoxing?
2. Why detox?
3. Your body’s natural detox system
4. Self-assessment to decide on the right plan for you
5. Principles of detox diets
6. Preparing for detox
7. Detox plans
8. Detox recipes
9. Exercises

About the author(s)

Gill Paul is an author of historical fiction, specialising in the twentieth century and often writing about the lives of real women. Her novels have topped bestseller lists in the US and Canada as well as the UK and have been translated into twenty languages. The Secret Wife has sold over half a million copies and is a book-club favourite worldwide.

She is also the author of several non-fiction books on historical subjects. She lives in London and swims year-round in a wild pond.

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