
One gourmet party. Six potential couples. The taste of love?

Devastated by her parents' divorce and the impending sale of the family restaurant, Flick Ardmore is determined to find the money to buy the restaurant herself. She doesn't expect to find herself stranded in Rainbow Cove with no car, no work, and no prospect of success.

Xander McIntyre, owner of the luxury Rainbow Cove Resort, is a workaholic developer with a looming deadline hindered by the arrival of his young special needs sister, Jenny.

When Flick connects with Jenny, it seems like the perfect solution to both their problems - if only Flick and Xander can ignore the undeniable spark between them. Or will their building attraction cause more problems than it solves?

About the author(s)

Born and raised in Toowoomba, Susanne is an Australian author of contemporary and rural romances set in Australia and exotic locations. She adores travel with her husband, both at home and overseas, and weaves stories around the settings and people she encounters. Her Outback series, Hearts of the Outback, and Second Chance Love, one of the Bindarra Creek series with other authors, were inspired by her time teaching in far north-west Queensland.

Her heroes have to be pretty special to live up to her real life hero. He saved her life then married her. They live on the edge of the Range with their German Shepherd, Freya. In another life, Susanne was a senior English and Drama teacher with a passion for Shakespeare and creative writing, but now her two children have flown the coop, she writes full time.

Susanne is a member of the RWA (Romance Writers of Australia) and won third place in their 2011 Emerald Award. She placed third in the Pan Macmillan short story competition with Chez Romeo. A hybrid author, she is published with Mira, and Harlequin Escape, as well as being self published. A popular guest speaker, she presented the keynote address at the Steele Rudd Pilgrimage, and was a guest speaker for the Dynamic Life Speakers Series for U3A, and has been invited to speak in libraries, at book clubs, and to community groups.

To find out more, visit Susanne on her website

 You can also follow Susanne on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and Pinterest



"Loved it!! This story went by so fast because I really got into it. Like you could put yourself there and really get great images in your mind of the people and places." Amanda Y. Media, Netgalley review

'This story flows well, is filled with love and for light summer Christmas reading it fits the bill nicely.' Netgalley review

'Her Christmas Kisses was a nice sweet holiday romance.' Netgalley review

'A multi author series with Her Christmas Kisses being the second book and is written by Susanne Bellamy.A wonderful holiday romances. Flick and Xander are great characters and with the terrific support characters and the sweet engaging storyline this story is a pleasure to read.' Netgalley review

'This book would appeal to everyone who is a fan of a sweet romance,without the smut! ' - Netgalley review

'If you are looking for a quick holiday romance, pick this one up! ' - Netgalley review

'This is more a sweet, drama free read set in a wonderful northern beachside town in Australia. Xander and Flick are engaging and very likeablecharacters ' - Netgalley review

'This was another fun holiday romance that you will want to pick up and read.' - Netgalley review

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