
The Kagyu school of Tibetan Buddhism began in the eleventh century with such renowned figures as Marpa and Milarepa, and its seminal meditative traditions are Mahamudra and the six Dharmas of Naropa. Mahamudra teachings focus on the cultivation of profound insight into the nature of the mind. The Mahamudra texts in this volume include a lucid work by the celebrated master Tsele Natsok Rangdrol and works by the twelfth-century master Shang Rinpoche, the great Third Karmapa, the Eighth Tai Situ, and Drukpa Pema Karpo. The volume also contains an inspirational work by Gampopa, the Drigung Kagyu root text, The Single Viewpoint, the Sixth Shamarpa's guide to the six Dharmas of Naropa, and finally an overview of tantric practice by Dakpo Tashi Namgyal, author of the famous Moonlight of Mahamudra. The texts in this volume were selected by the preeminent scholar of the Kagyu school, Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche.

About the author(s)

Peter Alan Roberts was born in Wales and lives in Hollywood, California. He earned a BA in Sanskrit and Pali and a DPhil in Tibetan Studies from Oxford University (Harris-Manchester College). For more than thirty years he has been working as an interpreter for lamas and as a translator of Tibetan texts. He specializes in the literature of the Kagyu and Nyingma traditions with a focus on tantric practices, and he is the author of The Biographies of Rechungpa.


"This is a truly splendid volume, filled with a rich range of teachings...A wonderful collection covering some of the most important texts of the Kagyu lineage and essential reading for those wishing to deepen their connection with, and understanding of, the mahamudra tradition."

"This collection is a treasury of "great seal" teachings from the most renowned gurus of the Mahamudra lineage, each text precious beyond compare. Every page exudes freshness of realization, holding the keys to our own personal awakening."

Judith Simmer-Brown, Professor, Naropa University and author of Dakini's Warm Breath

"Those drawn to the profound insights and esoteric practices of the Kagyü tradition of Tibetan Buddhism long have been in need of an anthology of texts on such major Kagyü teachings as Mahamudra, the Six Dharmas of Naropa, and the Single Viewpoint. With this wide-ranging collection of translations, Peter Alan Roberts has fulfilled that need splendidly, bringing us fresh renderings of previously translated texts, as well as pioneering translations of new material, including Dakpo Tashi Namgyal's great overview of Buddhist tantra. The introduction provides a concise and scholarly overview of Kagyü history, while the translations are clear, accurate, and accessible. No anthology can give us every important text from a tradition as long-lasting and varied as the Kagyü, but the masters and works represented here truly are essential, and students who wish to understand the Kagyü in detail and depth will, from now on, have Roberts' rich compilation as their indispensable starting point."

Roger R. Jackson, Carleton College

"The Library of Tibetan Classics brings together the essential texts of Tibetan literature. Of excellent quality and great value to scholars, the translations are accessible to nonspecialists as well, and thus should allow a wide audience to gain access to the treasures of the Tibetan tradition. A truly extraordinary accomplishment."

Georges B.J. Dreyfus, Williams College

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