Make Space

A Minimalist's Guide to the Good and the Extraordinary


We simply have too much stuff in our lives. Burdened by our heavy consumerist culture to continually own and consume without purpose, we lose ourselves to debt, dissatisfaction, and despair. If having more, doing more, and being more does not allow us to live abundantly, what can?

Minimalism can make all the difference. A minimalist life removes non-essentials and clutter—whether it’s physical clutter in your home or a cluttered mental state that holds you back from your goals— and makes space for only the most important things that truly add value and joy. Make Space offers you the tools to achieve this transformative mindset shift by marrying minimalist philosophy and principles with practical tips, activities, and action points that will unlock truly simple living. Among others, learn how to:

•Avoid “Stuffocation” by reducing unnecessary possessions
•Declutter your home to create an ideal living space
•Design and efficiently maximize minimalist budgets
•Clear the mind of negative distractions and be intentional
•Avoid emotional drains to be empowered

The art of minimalism requires intentionally purging, building, crafting, and curating the type of life you’ve always wished you lived. And when you’ve finally removed all forms of clutter, you’ll invite all things good and extraordinary into your most intimate spaces.


"If you want less stuff, more experiences, and more happiness, you need to make space. Follow the advice of leading London minimalist Regina Wong and you'll not only get rid of stuff; you'll also make the space to live a happier life. A worthy addition to the growing canon of books on minimalism and decluttering."
—James Wallman, author of Stuffocation: Why We've Had Enough of Stuff and Need Experience More Than Ever
"Regina Wong is a fine ambassador for minimalism. Thoughtful, self-deprecating and pragmatic, she shows us how to thrive with less. If you want to simplify and streamline your life, then make space for Make Space on your bookshelf!"
—Carl Honoré, author of In Praise of Slowness: Challenging the Cult of Speed
"A minimalist guide to minimalism—great inspiration and wonderful to have. Make Space is a quick and easy read which encourages the reader to extend ideas of ‘Living with Less’ beyond ‘Stuff’ to consider virtual clutter, the over proliferation of virtual ‘friends’, finances, and all aspects of how we live to encourage a simpler and easier lifestyle."
—Isabel Losada, author of The Battersea Park Road to Enlightenment
"Make Space promotes minimalism as a way to fend off 'stuffocation' and be happier and more productive."
Publishers Weekly

"If you want less stuff, more experiences, and more happiness, you need to make space. Follow the advice of leading London minimalist Regina Wong and you'll not only get rid of stuff; you'll also make the space to live a happier life. A worthy addition to the growing canon of books on minimalism and decluttering."
—James Wallman, author of Stuffocation: Why We've Had Enough of Stuff and Need Experience More Than Ever
"Regina Wong is a fine ambassador for minimalism. Thoughtful, self-deprecating and pragmatic, she shows us how to thrive with less. If you want to simplify and streamline your life, then make space for Make Space on your bookshelf!"
—Carl Honoré, author of In Praise of Slowness: Challenging the Cult of Speed
"A minimalist guide to minimalism—great inspiration and wonderful to have. Make Space is a quick and easy read which encourages the reader to extend ideas of ‘Living with Less’ beyond ‘Stuff’ to consider virtual clutter, the over proliferation of virtual ‘friends’, finances, and all aspects of how we live to encourage a simpler and easier lifestyle."
—Isabel Losada, author of The Battersea Park Road to Enlightenment
"Make Space promotes minimalism as a way to fend off 'stuffocation' and be happier and more productive."
Publishers Weekly

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