The Kellyanne Conway Technique

Perfecting the Ancient Art of Delivering Half-Truths, Fake News, and Obfuscation—With a Smile


The only thing Americans want to read more than Trump's tax returns.

Constantly late to work? Caught cheating on your spouse again? Can't stop tweeting unhinged rants against your political enemies at three in the morning? Then The Kellyanne Conway Technique is the book you need.

Preeminent spin expert and University of Phoenix Online alumnus, Jarret Berenstein, brings you the world's only comprehensive analysis of the tricks, distractions, and outright lies utilized daily by White House advisor Kellyanne Conway and distills her special brand of verbal jujitsu into a spin Bible for the common man.

Filled with real transcripts from the esteemed spin-ster herself, The Kellyanne Conway Technique takes the invaluable lessons from her verbal boxing matches with the mainstream media and breaks down, step by step, the mental and rhetorical aerobatics she performs as the talking piece for a president who once wrestled Vince McMahon on the WWE. From alternative facts to the Bowling Green Massacre, take lessons from Kellyanne's greatest hits.

The Kellyanne Conway Technique is the perfect guide to outsmarting the Jake Tappers in your own life: whether that is your boss, your husband, or a special hearing of the congressional oversight committee. Never again be held accountable for anything you do with a little help from Kellyanne!


“[The Kellyanne Conway Technique] is funny in the rapid-fire style of a stand-up comic. Just about every paragraph contains joke material. Some of it laugh-inducing, some worth a chuckle or smile...It might even be a catharsis for some readers, as Berenstein deftly expresses some of the things readers might have been yelling at the television during Conway’s interviews.” - New York Journal of Books

“[The Kellyanne Conway Technique] is funny in the rapid-fire style of a stand-up comic. Just about every paragraph contains joke material. Some of it laugh-inducing, some worth a chuckle or smile...It might even be a catharsis for some readers, as Berenstein deftly expresses some of the things readers might have been yelling at the television during Conway’s interviews.” - New York Journal of Books

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