
I'm following one of my dreams … but do I dare to follow my heart? 

Cress Kennedy

One thing everyone in Grong Grong knows about me: it's always been my dream to play Aussie Rules Football. And now the Sydney Sirens are signing me for the new Women's Aussie Rules competition. I'm headed to Sydney. To stay with my brother's best friend. Quin. But here's one thing no–one in Grong Grong knows about me: how much I want Quin to see me as a woman, and take him for myself… 

Quin Fitzpatrick

I knew as soon as she got a chance to play in the Women's Aussie Rules competition that Cress would be a star. I knew it made sense for her to come and stay with me, where I could protect her, show her the ropes–Watercress from Grong Grong, the little sister I never had. I never expected Cress–gorgeous, generous Cress–to shake me out of my rut. Now how am I ever going to go back to life without her around.

Other books available in The Women of W.A.R. series:
Game On by Nicola Marsh
Fair Game by Amy Andrews

About the author(s)

Catherine Evans is a city-born throwback to country genes. After completing an environmental biology degree, she desperately needed to move to the country. A job in agriculture was the perfect escape. After spending eighteen years in agricultural research and gaining a Masters degree in Agriculture, Cath has a passion for rural life.

Now living on the south coast of NSW, a large part of her heart belongs across the mountain ranges in the red dust.
If you want to know more, please visit Catherine's website


'It's a high quality read and while fans who know their football will probably enjoy this most, it isn't just about training and games...It's a whole lot of fun from Catherine Evans.' —Lily Malone

'… liberating and empowering.' —Deanna Lang

'This is a story to be savoured…'—Helen Sibbritt